Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) Canada     
ACCUEIL crdi.ca > Activités de recherche > Politique sociale > EEPSEA > Publications
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     Training Awards
David Glover
Catherine Ndiaye
Romel Saplaco

ID : 23223
Ajouté le : 2002-11-26 2:20
Mis à jour le : 2004-06-23 8:17
Refreshed: 2006-01-26 03:58

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EEPSEA's publications program consists of several formats.

Research Reports: final reports from projects of broad interest. Peer reviewed and edited.

Special Papers: commissioned papers, mainly by international experts and presented at EEPSEA Biannual Workshops.

Technical Papers: final reports of a more technical nature. These have not been edited and are aimed more at researchers than the general public.

Policy Briefs: 3-page summaries of Research Reports.

Special Papers (Hard Copy): papers unavailable on line are available by mail.

Projects to date: all projects approved by EEPSEA.

Publications Incentive: bonus from EEPSEA.

Printed copies of Policy Briefs and Research Reports will be sent to those on our mailing list. If you wish to be added to the mailing list, please notify Catherine Ndiaye (eepsea@idrc.org.sg). Single copies of any EEPSEA publication including Research Reports, Policy Briefs, and Special Papers can always be obtained free of charge from the EEPSEA Secretariat.

Production of our main series (Research Reports and Policy Briefs) is done in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Editing standards are equivalent to those of an international journal. Editing, layout, printing and distribution are done by Corpcom Sdn. Bhd. in association with the Montfort Boys School. This program provides vocational training to boys from low-income families and home-based work to mothers.

Authors of final reports should submit their manuscripts following the EEPSEA Style Guidelines. A template is available to facilitate formatting. Both can be downloaded from the "Information for Authors" folder.

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