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Amir Alfouns
Rawya El-Dabi

ID : 80608
Ajouté le : 2005-05-01 5:50
Mis à jour le : 2005-05-30 7:07
Refreshed: 2006-01-27 05:21

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Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D)

ICT4D focus will be on issues associated with the information economy, opportunities, and challenges; on the role of women in the information economy in the next generation of ICT4D programming; and on the role that entrepreneurship and the private sector play within the information economy in the developing world.

Under ICT4D there are two programs developed in the region:

  1. Acacia Initiative which is an international program to empower African communities with the ability to apply information and communication technologies (ICTs) to their own social and economic development.  This initiative is designed as an integrated program of research and development and demonstration projects to address issues of applications, technology, infrastructure, policy, and governance. For more information, kindly click here.
  2. Connectivity Africa which aims to improve access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Africa. It provides funding support in four areas: Innovation in the use of ICT, African Regional ICTs, Research and Development in African ICTs, Partnerships and Networks. For more information, kindly click here.

In the MENA region, the following projects are operational:

Open Source Software for North African Universities

IDRC started a regional project on “Open Source Software for North African Universities”. It aims at establishing a Network of experts on Open Source Software (OSS) in the region.  In order to do that it will develop OSS for universities’ e-learning, grid computing, records management, access, databases, libraries management systems, etc. Workshops in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Canada and Sénégal will be conducted to that purpose. Consequently Project proposals are to be developed.

Electronic Government Pilot Project

The Moroccan government has decided to develop an e-government strategy based on a centralized approach, with the main activity being the creation of different ministry portals.  This contrasts with the fact that local communities are often the onew most in need of improved governmental services and information.  Moreover, Morocco is proposing to move towards administrative decentralization in order to meet the needs of its citizens more effectively. In this respect, IDRC is supporting Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane to pilot an e-government initiative in partnership with the local administration of Fez. The initiative will allow citizens to request and receive governmental services in a speedy, efficient, equitable and transparent manner.  The project will also raise a series of research questions concerning the social impact and political implications of e-government. A dissemination strategy will ensure that the Moroccan government is fully involved in the process so that it can replicate the project elsewhere if successful.

Capacity Building for Community Wireless Connectivity in Africa

The high cost of conventional "wired" infrastructure is an obstacle to those looking to harness the potential of ICTs for development and social change. Wireless technologies offer tested, low-cost options to complement conventional infrastructure, but capacity development is required if this promise is to be met. This project proposes training, materials development and knowledge sharing to address this need in selected regions in Africa.

PAN Africa Localization (Enhancing Capacities for Localization of Arabic & African Languages)

It is generally agreed that availability of software and content in the language(s) most familiar to users is an essential element in their adoption and optimal use of computers and the Internet. It is moreover a consideration of primary importance for any effort to use ICT for development.
This project seeks to favour localization of software and content into Arabic and African languages, so as to make information and communication technologies more accessible and relevant to users and developers from those languages and in turn more useful for development. It will do this first by producing a background study on the state of localization and various related factors in Africa and then a follow up study in two years; organizing a continent wide workshop on African language and Arabic localization; and by creating a website for resources for localization in Africa.


KARIANET is a joint Acacia and IFAD initiative with the objective of enhancing the potential of ICTs in rural poverty reduction in the Near East and North Africa MENA region by improving knowledge generation and sharing among a network of stakeholders. For more information, kindly contact Mustapha Malki, Project Coordinator of KARIANET (mmalki@idrc.org.eg).
For more information about the above mentioned projects, kindly contact Adel El-Zaim (aelzaim@idrc.org.eg).


KARIANET Presentation Mustapha Malki 2005-02-14
KARIANET Power Point Presentation Ouvrir le fichier

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