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  Insurance Solutions
  International trade and investment provides great opportunity for your business - but it also carries significant risks. With its range of insurance products, EDC can help you to win business, make things happen with access to more working capital, and sleep at night knowing your exports and overseas assets are protected.
Credit Insurance - for your export transactions
Contract Insurance - for capital goods, service contracts or projects
Political Risk Insurance – for overseas investments and assets
  EDC is flexible and offers a variety of other insurance solutions to meet your exporting needs.
Top Questions
What will it cost to insure my export receivables?
Do I need Political Risk Insurance?
How much does EXPORT Protect insurance cost and how do I pay

Insurance Tools
ARI Brochure (PDF Format)
ARI Application Form

ARI Free Quote
CFI Brochure (PDF Format)
CFI Application Form (PDF Format)
PRI Brochure (PDF Format)

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