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  Diversity and Equity
  EDC is a global company working in a borderless world. This means we need an international perspective. With business partners around the world and offices in China, Mexico and Brazil, EDC is well positioned to take on the global challenge.
  We pride ourselves on working with Canadian businesses, large and small, supporting their efforts in more than 200 markets worldwide. To help our customers grow their business, we need employees with diverse skills and perspectives. EDC is focused on, and committed to, fostering an open culture toward diversity and ethnicity.
  EDC has zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment. We expect a certain Code of Conduct. We follow certain Business Ethics, and believe in our longstanding Values. As a corporation, our actions reflect our words.
  This is EDC’s commitment. Our diversity and mutual respect policies aren't just words on paper; they reflect the way we conduct business with our clients and the way we interact with each other.
Careers @ EDC
Current Openings
Great Benefits
Living and Learning
Diversity and Equity
Caring Environment
Talking to Each Other
Rewards and Recognition
Supporting our Community
How to Apply
Top 100 Employers in Canada
Related Sections:
Education and Youth

Why work @ EDC?
EDC is one of Canada's Top 100 employers!

Top Questions
How do I know if the positions on the web site are still available?
Can I meet with someone from Human Resources for an information interview
What is the best way to apply for a job?

Tools for Careers @ EDC
Career Connection
Ace an interview
Put punch into your resume
Points to remember
Links to other career development sites
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