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Registration Program
Terms and Conditions - Section 1.5 to 1.9 [revised 2005-04-01]

Table of Contents

April 1st, 2005

1.5 Eligibility*

The registration program is intended for qualified organizations who are operating in trade sectors listed in section 1.3 Program scope and concerns only devices used in commercial transactions in these trade sectors.

Only federally or provincially incorporated companies (regardless of their size, number of shareholders or employees or number of years in business) are eligible for the registration program.

To be eligible for the registration program and to maintain registration, interested organizations shall have at least one recognized technician as their employee or undertake the steps required to have one of their technicians recognized. Registered organizations cannot issue inspection certificates on behalf of Measurement Canada through recognized technicians who are not their employee(s), over whom they have no authority or with whom there is no employer-employee relationship.

1.6 Registration application*

Organizations filing registration applications shall:

  • submit an application in writing, on the form provided by Measurement Canada and signed by a top manager of the organization, to the local Measurement Canada district office;
  • meet the eligibility criteria;
  • commit to comply with the requirements of the registration program and Measurement Canada policies and procedures; and
  • provide all relevant information, including:
    • the name and address of the organization;
    • the articles of incorporation;
    • the organization’s scope with respect to the registration program;
    • the name of the management representative; and
    • the name of the top manager.

1.7 Scope or area of registration*

The organization must clearly define the scope for which it requests registration. The organization shall:
  • specify the device types and subtypes (selected in the Appendix 1 of the Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate Completion Manual) that it intends to inspect and certify on behalf of Measurement Canada;
  • specify the types or categories of fluids measured by the devices; and
  • specify the type of physical standards it will use.

1.8 Granting and maintenance of registration*

The organization and the President of Measurement Canada, on behalf of the Minister, will enter into an agreement, and the organization will be designated as an inspector (see Appendix 2 of this document for a sample agreement).

The agreement outlines its requirements, sets its terms and conditions and describes the responsibilities of the organization. Appended to the agreement (Schedule A to the agreement) is a list of the names of the organization’s recognized technicians and the types of devices they are authorized to inspect and certify.

The agreement shall be in effect from the date of execution. Subject to section 1.11, this agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties with a 90 day written notice.

An organization that voluntarily suspends its registration or that has its registration suspended by Measurement Canada must demonstrate, through appropriate objective evidence, that it meets all applicable requirements before Measurement Canada reinstates its registration. Measurement Canada may carry out theoretical and/or practical evaluations before reinstating the registration.

A registered organization that does not inspect any devices on behalf of Measurement Canada for a period of one year (calendar) is considered as having voluntarily suspended its registration.

Once granted, the registration is not transferable. In the case of a name or ownership change of the organization, the agreement is no longer valid. A new application must be submitted to and accepted by Measurement Canada before the organization can proceed to perform any inspection activities on behalf of Measurement Canada.

1.9 Changes of scope and addition and removal of recognized technicians

The organization shall submit an application form to the local Measurement Canada district office, to request an amendment to the content of its agreement with Measurement Canada or to Schedule A of the agreement. The organization shall request and obtain authorization from Measurement Canada prior to making the following changes:
  • adding new device types or subtypes to its scope;
  • adding or removing technicians in Schedule A;
  • amending the list of device types or subtypes that a technician may certify;
  • amending certificates, stickers, tags or seals;
  • acquiring or altering physical standards to be used under the program; and
  • any other modification that could change the scope or conditions of the agreement.

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    Created: 2003-07-08
Updated: 2005-04-01
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