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Registration Program
Terms and Conditions - Section 3.0 to 3.3 [revised 2005-04-01]

Table of Contents

April 1st, 2005

3.0 Requirements for recognized technicians

3.1 Prerequisites to recognition, technician training and evaluation*

To be recognized and to be granted authorization to conduct, on behalf of Measurement Canada, inspections of devices governed under the Weights and Measures Act within a registered organization’s scope, technicians shall:

  • be employed by a registered organization;
  • have successfully completed mandatory theoretical training that may be given by Measurement Canada or by an organization recognized by Measurement Canada;
  • have successfully passed theoretical evaluation and, no more than six months later, the associated practical evaluation; and
  • be on the list in Schedule A to the said organization’s agreement with Measurement Canada.

Recognized technicians must receive additional training when significant changes are made to inspection requirements or procedures, or in cases where the scope of an organization’s registration has been expanded. Measurement Canada, in consultation with the registered organization, shall determine supplementary training and evaluation needs.

3.2 Maintenance of authorization to conduct inspections*

To maintain authority to inspect devices, technicians shall demonstrate they have maintained their knowledge by achieving satisfactory results in periodic follow-up inspections on devices for which they are authorized to inspect.

Following such follow-up inspections, if technicians are found to no longer have the knowledge or skills required, their authority to inspect and issue certificates shall be suspended temporarily until such time as they can demonstrate their ability to again meet requirements. In such cases, new training and re-evaluation will be conducted, as required.

Measurement Canada reserves the right to reassess technicians at any time.

3.3 Reference documents

Technicians shall have the reference documents listed in section 2.4 and shall keep them up to date.

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    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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