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Authorized Service Providers - Appendix 3 - Related to the Accreditation Program (S-A-01:2002) and the Registration Program (Terms and Conditions) [revised 2005-01-10]

Table of Contents

Appendix 3 - Rejection Tags and Test and Non-Compliance Reports

1.0 Rejection Tags and Test and Non-Compliance Reports

1.1 Specifications for Rejection Tags

In the case of a device with a non-compliance that cannot be corrected for any reason, a rejection tag accepted by Measurement Canada must be attached (sealed) to it in a prominent location. Does not apply to initial inspections.

The tag’s text shall be in black on a white or yellow background, including the Measurement Canada signature (logo). However, if the flag in the Measurement Canada signature and/or on the “Canada” wordmark is in colour, the colour “Flushed Ink Process Red” (FIP Red) must be used.

The rejection tag must be 6 cm x 12 cm (minimum) and be made of material resistant to climatic conditions, such as Tyvek 1073D or Polyart Synthetic for example. A rejection tag printed on regular paper, enclosed in a laminated pouch is also acceptable. Any other material must be evaluated and accepted by Measurement Canada and will be published upon acceptance.

The rejection tag must be designed to provide the following information in English and French:

  • Measurement Canada’s signature and “Canada” wordmark;
  • The words Rejected / Rejeté in bold and in letters 5 mm in height (minimum); no other words are permitted. The balance of the text shall be in letters of at least 2 mm in height.
  • The following declaration:

    Warning / Attention
    This device does not comply with the Weights and Measures Act and must be repaired if it is to be used in trade. It is an offence under the Weights and Measures Act to remove this tag or any other markings applied by an inspector. / Cet appareil ne satisfait pas aux exigences de la Loi sur les poids et mesures et doit être réparé pour être utilisé dans le commerce. L’enlèvement de cette étiquette ou de tout autre marquage apposé par un inspecteur constitue une infraction à la Loi.
  • Name and organization number of the Authorized Service Provider
  • Date, inspection certificate number and recognized technician’s signature.

Sample Rejection Tag:

Sample Rejection Tag

1.2 Specifications for Tests and Non-Compliance Reports

A Test and Non-Compliance Report must be completed when a device is inspected (except for initial inspections) and/or a non-compliance is found. When a non-compliance is found, the report must be sent to the local Measurement Canada district office within the prescribed time frame. If a report does not include information related to a non-compliance, it does not need to be sent to Measurement Canada. All reports must be filed and retained by the organization. The retention period is three years minimum.

The minimum information to be provided in this report is:
  • Authorized Service Provider name, address and logo as applicable;
  • inspection certificate number;
  • trade establishment’s name and address;
  • contact name and title at the establishment visited;
  • trade establishment telephone and fax numbers;
  • device make, model and serial number;
  • address at which the device can be found if other than the establishment address;
  • Measurement Canada’s Notice of Approval number for the device;
  • detailed test results: results for all test points;
  • the as-found result of the device inspected before adjustment;
  • standard identification number(s) used for the inspection;
  • any other information or observation regarding the device performance and installation;
  • comment section for reporting the nature of infraction or measurement error that was not corrected; and
  • name, number and signature of the recognized technician who performed the inspection.

It would also be acceptable for an authorized service provider to design a Test and Non-Compliance Report Form providing only the data and information that are not found already on the inspection certificate. A copy of the inspection certificate would have to be attached to the Test and Non-Compliance Report in order to provide all the required information as per the list above.

2.0 Measurement Canada Signature and the “Canada” Wordmark

The Measurement Canada signature and “Canada” wordmark are supplied in Appendix 4 for the printing of tags and stickers and are to be used as an "image". The content of the image cannot be modified or altered in any way. The overall size of the image may be reduced.

3.0 Transition Period

For Authorized Service Providers with tags already accepted by Measurement Canada as of December 31st 2004, a delay of up to two years, ending December 31st 2006, will be allowed for using their existing supply of tags. Any reprinting of new material within this time period shall meet the present requirements.

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    Created: 2003-07-08
Updated: 2005-01-07
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