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Correctional Service of Canada

Chaplaincy Services

The Chaplaincy Program helps the Correctional Service of Canada to meet national and international commitments with respect to the promotion of religious rights and obligations of offenders. The Program is administered by CSC’s Chaplaincy Division, which serves as liaison between CSC and the various faith communities in Canada that are represented on the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy. The Division also provides advice to CSC on policy issues relating to religious practice.

Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy and CSC, CSC provides chaplaincy services to people of different faiths. Contracts for chaplaincy services are now being held with the following faith groups: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Buddhist.

The Division is headed by a Director General, who provides leadership in all religious programming except for Aboriginal spirituality. A Regional Chaplain oversees the Chaplaincy Program in each of the five regions.

* Correctional Service of Canada Prayer
* Interfaith Calendar
* Statement of Ethics
* Toward a Strategic Direction for Chaplaincy (February 2002)
* Chaplaincy Impact Study
* Community Ministry
* Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA)
* National Chaplains' Conferences
* Role of Chaplains
* Documents and Reports
* Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award
* Contract Chaplaincy Services Required
* Contact us


* Books
* French Titles
* Links
* Quotes

Restorative Justice Week

* 2005 - "Wisdom Gained through Experience"
* Faith Community Resources