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It’s About People
The most visible symptom of poverty in Canada is homelessness. The causes are much more complicated than simply a lack of income. Sad stories with unhappy endings lead people to city streets which can be mean and where breaks are tough to come by. More...

Angela’s Place
Where families receive help and guidance from caring people and leave with renewed hope and confidence...“You don’t have to be dirty to be homeless,” says George Wright (not his real name). Due to a construction injury George can’t work. He is one of the thousands of homeless on Canada’s streets. More...

Anchor’s of Hope for the Homeless
For those who have never been homeless, it would be difficult to imagine what it would be like to live, night after night, on the streets or in a public shelter. The world of homelessness can be near to any of us. The loss of a job, the death of a spouse or child, a severe physical disability or family problems could be the route to total despair. More...

Rescued from Despair
I had the plan. I knew the bridge where it would happen. I knew how I was going to do it―a little valium would give me the courage to take my final leap. But then the thought struck me: “What if it backfires? With my luck, I’ll fall backward off the bridge railing and end up passed out on the sidewalk.” More...

:: SalvationArmy.ca Ticker :: Tsunami One Year Update Report (PDF) :: Last Web Feature - Cold Weather ::

:: Contact Interview
Homelessness continues to be a major problem for Canada's towns and cities. Toronto Mayor David Miller talks about the issue from the point of view of Canada's largest city.

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:: The Salvation Army focuses on sub-Saharan famine relief More...

:: Salvation Army Provides Support to Alabama Church Fires More...

:: Pilot Program Helps Out Low-Income Families With Bills More...

:: Update: Salvation Army is victim of fraud More...

:: The Salvation Army in Papua New Guinea Helps Landslide Victims More...

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The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory
Territorial Commander: Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan
Chief Secretary: Colonel Glen Shepherd