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 Consumer Protection: Know Your Rights

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Understanding and Using Your New Banking Rights

Opening a bank account

The new regulations apply to personal bank accounts that you request in person at a bank branch or point of service. They don't apply to accounts you open by telephone or Internet, or to business or commercial accounts.

Table of Contents

When must a bank open a personal bank account?

What do I need when opening a personal bank account?

When can a bank refuse to open a personal bank account?

What can I do if the bank refuses to open a personal bank account?

What if the bank wants to check your credit file?

Acceptable identification when opening a personal bank account

Information you must receive when you open your account

When opening a deposit account, a financial institution must provide you with the following information in writing (either at or before the time the account is opened):
  • A copy of the account agreement
  • For an account that pays interest, the rate of interest on the account and how it will be calculated (this rule doesn't apply to an account opened with a balance in excess of $150,000)
  • All charges applicable to the account
  • How you will be notified of any increase in those charges and of any new charges to the account
  • The institution's procedures if you have a complaint about any charges to the account
  • The institution's policies with respect to hold periods on deposits

Note: The account-opening requirement applies to any bank branch at which an individual can open a personal deposit account in person, and to prescribed "points of service." A point of service is a location in Canada other than a branch, where a bank carries on business and an individual can open or initiate the opening of a personal account (automated banking machines and other non-staffed locations do not apply).

For more information about your rights and responsibilities when you open a bank account, click here.

Have a question or complaint?

Call 1-866-461-3222 or contact us via our Web site. If you believe that a financial institution has breached a consumer law, click here for information on making a complaint.
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Last Modified: 2005-08-04
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