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Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations for Members - The Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics

Deadline: May 7, 2004.
Re-opened for Targeted Call of July 8, 2004 Deadline

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) are pleased to invite nominations of potential members to serve on the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics.

The Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE)

In November 2001, the Federal Granting Agencies - CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC jointly created the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research
Ethics (PRE), supported by a Secretariat on Research Ethics (SRE). PRE members represent the various regions of Canada, both official languages, and a spectrum of ethics and research expertise and experience: nursing, research, law, ethics and philosophy, Aboriginal studies, sociology, psychology, research administration, medicine, political science, physics, engineering, health consumers, as well as a lay perspective. These span the research disciplines of the natural sciences and engineering, social sciences and humanities, and the health sciences.

The Agencies have mandated PRE to provide interdisciplinary and independent advice to them on the further development and evolution of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS). The TCPS sets out basic standards and processes for research ethics policies and practices of institutions administering Agency funding. PRE's deliberations, advice and recommendations thus help to address modern research ethics needs, and help to advance the Agencies' stewardship responsibilities. PRE's terms of reference further outline its mandate, roles, responsibilities and structure.

PRE meets at least twice a year in Ottawa. Members are regularly involved in initiatives of the entire panel or in its task groups and subcommittees. Between the regularly scheduled panel meetings, work is conducted through subcommittee meetings, teleconferences and e-mail, in conjunction with the Secretariat. The nature of PRE initiatives and activities obliges members to devote substantial time and effort to the PRE mandate.


Through this round of nominations, the Agencies seek to maintain continuity of PRE's current experience and expertise, while enriching its diversity and perspectives. PRE's interdisciplinary membership is intended to address modern research ethics challenges through knowledge, experience and views from a variety of relevant fields such as ethics review, research, law, ethics and research administration; and through participant or community perspectives on research involving humans in the health sciences, social sciences and humanities, and engineering and natural sciences research.

Type of expected nominations

For this round of nominations, the Agencies particularly encourage nominations from individuals with

  • ethics experience, expertise and knowledge in the humanities and/or the social sciences
  • ethics experience, expertise and knowledge in health research
  • ethics experience, expertise and knowledge in natural sciences and/or engineering research involving humans
  • research participant and/or community perspectives
  • expertise and/or experience in research involving humans or research ethics -- e.g. law, ethics, research ethics administration, research ethics boards (REBs), and research ethics scholarship.

PRE members are appointed by the Presidents of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC.

Duration of Term

Members are normally appointed for two-year terms, renewable once. A rotation system is established to maintain continuity and ensure a dynamic membership.

Nomination Process

If you are interested in becoming a member of PRE, the Federal Granting Agencies invite you to complete a nomination form, and to submit a statement of your interest and curriculum vitae by no later than May 7, 2004.
(Re-opened for targeted call of a July 8, 2004 deadline)

  1. Nomination form
  2. Statement of interest
    In your statement of interest, summarize your expertise and experience by answering the following questions with a maximum of 700 words:
    • What would you select as priority issues in research ethics and more specifically the TCPS? What is your perspective on these issues?
    • How would you contribute to PRE?
  3. Curriculum vitae

Please send your nomination form, curriculum vitae and statement of interest by e-mail, fax or letter to:

Call for Nominations, Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics
Secretariat on Research Ethics
350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON    K1A 1H5
Fax: (613) 996-7117
Information: Secretariat at (613) 996-0072

All information and documents received will be kept confidential under the federal Privacy and Access to Information Act. Unless applicants request otherwise, the Secretariat on Research Ethics will retain the submitted information and documents for three years, for consideration for future PRE initiatives.

We ask all who receive this call for nominations to help us to distribute it as widely as possible. Please share the call for nominations with institutions and individuals who might be interested in posting and/or responding to it.

The Federal Granting Agencies thank you in advance for your interest in the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics.

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