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Canada Savings Bonds - perfect for your RRSP

Canada Savings Bonds can be held in The Canada RSP or in a self-directed RRSP to help you save for your retirement with safe, secure and tax-deferred returns.

Canada Savings Bonds make an excellent choice for the secure part of your retirement savings. Why?

When you purchase Canada Savings Bonds to contribute to The Canada RSP, or a self-directed RRSP, you're purchasing peace of mind and certainty for your future. You can be sure of safe and secure returns, backed by the Government of Canada.
You will receive a tax receipt for your contribution, and enjoy a tax deduction in the year in which you make the contribution and tax-deferred growth while your bonds remain in the RRSP.
There are absolutely no fees associated with the bonds themselves, no fees for The Canada RSP and no fees to make your contribution.

Be sure to enjoy the tax advantages of contributing to your RRSP, up to the annual limit prescribed by the Canada Revenue Agency based on your income. The maximum RRSP contribution limit for the 2005 tax year is $16,500.

Contribute to your RRSP and your future with safe, solid Canada Savings Bonds. You can choose from two options: purchase new bonds for your RRSP, or contribute bonds you already own.

Purchasing new bonds for your RRSP
It's easy to contribute with the purchase of Canada Savings Bonds: the CPB and the CSB can be ordered…
directly from this site
by calling 1 888 773-9999, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm ET
or by visiting your bank, financial institution or investment dealer.

Contributing bonds you already hold
If you already hold the CPB or the CSB, you can make a contribution to your RRSP without spending an extra cent.
Simply contribute some or all of your compound interest Canada Savings Bonds (the CPB or the CSB) to The Canada RSP at any time prior to maturity by calling us at 1 800 575-5151, Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 8 pm ET. To transfer a CSB purchased through the Payroll Savings Program, please call 1 877 899-3599. (Note: non-certificated Canada Savings Bonds purchased through investment dealers cannot be transferred to The Canada RSP).
To contribute your Canada Savings Bonds to a self-directed RRSP, visit your bank, financial institution or investment dealer.

Remember, Canada Savings Bonds are safe, secure and backed by the Government of Canada.

CSBs - The gift that never goes out of style

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Bond Values
Click here to check the value of your bonds

Updated:    2005 07 11
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