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Welcome & Instructions
About the Tutorial for the TCPS
Introducing the TCPS
Section Overview
Ethics Context
Tri-Council Policy Statement
Goals and Rationale of the TCPS
Ethical Principles and Their Application
Ethics and Law
Case Studies
Progress Check
Section 1: Ethics Review
Section 2: Free and Informed Consent
Section 3: Privacy and Confidentiality
Section 4: Conflict of Interest
Section 5: Inclusion in Research
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Tutorial: Ethical Conduct of Research involving Humans:  Introducing the TCPS

Section Overview

Before continuing, you should:

: : Read the Section Summary
: : Review the Section Objectives

Section Summary

This section examines when the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) should be applied, and reviews the goals and rationale of the policy. It defines the guiding ethical principles of the TCPS. It discusses the way these principles are applied in practice, and introduces the relationship between the TCPS and the law. Case studies help you apply this information. You can check your progress at the end of the section.


Section Objectives

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

  • identify when the TCPS applies to a research project involving humans
  • describe the goals and rationale of the TCPS
  • describe the guiding principles underlying the TCPS
  • apply ethical principles to the conduct of research involving human subjects in the context of a research project.

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Last Modified: 2004-09-10 Top of Page Important Notices