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Last updated : February 19, 2004
Québec region 
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Environmental and Weather Services Offices



Environmental and Weather Services Offices

The Meteorology Division in Environment Canada has three units called Environmental and Weather Services Offices: they are located in Saint-Laurent, Sainte-Foy et Rimouski.

From these regional offices, the production and broadcast of the weather forecasts are done for western, central and eastern Quebec. The public can obtain information about the current weather and climatological data.

Four types of weather forecasts are available from these offices: public, aviation, marine and agricultural. The forecasts for emergency measures, pleasure boating, snow removal and travels are derived from the four original ones, just as special forecasts requested or ordered by institutions or companies are.

For instance, the Forest Fire Protection Organization uses a special weather forecast that helps this agency to evaluate the probabilities of fire and its propagation; and that for more than 100 zones over Quebec.

Weather Forecasts Production

The meteorologists analyse and assimilate around the clock the essential of meteorological observations from all over North America, satellite imagery and radar information. In addition, they look at super-computers outputs which help them to make a decision about the meteorological evolution. One super-computer is located at the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) in Dorval(Quebec) and the other one at the National Weather Service in Washington DC (U.S.A).

The forecasting guides produced by these super-computers are prognostic maps. They forecast the atmospheric state up to five days. As soon as they are available, meteorologists start to produce the different types of forecasts with specific format, frequency and information content. These specifications depend on the users needs.

Even though it looks like operational meteorologists are busy producing these forecasts to satisfy the population's needs; their first responsability remains to do a constant weather watch in order to warn the population about threatening or dangerous meteorological events.


In each office the team of professionals uses a complex telecommunication system to transmit all the information to the users. Notably, radio broadcasting is one way to make the public aware of the latest forecast.

They continuously update the content of the Weather Radio programming, and load the telephone answering device which allows the public to get the recorded forecast.

On that topic, Environment Canada offers new services. Charges for these services vary depending on whether one calls the consultation service WEATHER ONE-ON-ONE at 1-900-565-4455 (2.99$ per minute) or the recorded messages at WEATHER-MENU at 1-900-565-4000 (0.95$ per minute). These services are available from anywhere in Quebec or Canada and with no additional costs.

Constantly, the Meteorology Division tries to improve the existing services, to create new products that will suit the client's needs and last but not least to communicate the best way it can their useful if not essential information to hundreds of thousands of people.

Environmental Weather Services Offices addresses:
Place Bonaventure, Quadrant North-East
800 De La Gauchetière West
suite 7810
Montréal, Québec
H5A 1L9
1141, route de l'Église
Suite 700
Sainte-Foy, Québec
G1V 4H5
38, rue Saint-Germain Est
Suite 302
Rimouski, Québec
G5L 1A2

The three offices are opened 24 hours a day.

For all kinds of requests, one must dial 1-900-565-4455 (2.99$ per minute) or 1-900-565-4000 (0.95$ per mimnute).

In order to find out more about all the services that the Meteorology Division provides or about Environment Canada, call this toll free number 1-800-463-4311 during business hours.


The Green LaneTM, Environment Canada's World Wide Web site

Last updated: 2004-02-19