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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

CITES Organization Chart

Conference of the Parties
Standing Committee Committees
CITES Secretariat

This UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) convention came into effect in 1975 as a result of growing awareness that international trade was endangering more and more wild species everywhere on the planet.

CITES is an international consensus on sustainable mutual management of natural resources.

More than a quarter of a century later, in November 2001, it included 155 member states called "Parties". One of the first countries to ratify the Convention was Canada, where it came into effect on July 3, 1975.

The Conference of the Parties is the ultimate decision-making body. It is attended every three years by delegations from all the Parties. It decides on modifications to be made to the Appendices and evaluates progress in the restoration and conservation of species included in the Appendices.

Other committees, such as the Standing Committee and the Committee for Animals and the Commitee for Plants, meet to ensure continuity of the work and to evaluate the needs of the different endangered species.

The CITES Secretariat, based in Geneva, Switzerland, carries out the decisions made by the Conference of the Parties.