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Amir Shabbar

Amir Shabbar
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Amir Shabbar is a specialist in climate variability (specifically El Niño, La Niña, North Atlantic Oscillation, climate change and seasonal predictions). Mr. Shabbar has a Honours Bachelor of Science degree in physics and applied mathematics and a Masters of Meteorology from the University of Toronto. Of his most recent accomplishments, Mr. Shabbar discovered that there was a link between El Niņo and the Ice Storm of 1998 and has linked the persistence of the 1999-2002 Canadian prairie drought to the changing patterns of water temperatures in the global oceans. Mr. Shabbar provides a national focus for explaining the science of these phenomena and the impacts to scientists, media and students on an ongoing basis. He has also designed and managed an award wining web site on El Niño and has published a number of studies on El Niño and the North Atlantic Oscillation, including his 1997 piece, Canadian Precipitation Patterns Associated with the Southern Oscillation as well as The Impact of El Niņo Southern Oscillation on the Temperature Field over Canada.




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Created : 2002-08-23
Modified : 2003-06-17
Reviewed : 2003-06-17
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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