Enterprise Authentication

Strong authentication for access to enterprise resources is not new, but it is not as widely deployed as it should be. Employees, executives and business associates are demanding more access to information, anywhere and at anytime. However, password-based authentication to critical enterprise resources leaves your networks and data exposed to unnecessary risk and in non-compliance with corporate and regulatory policies (PCI, SOX, HIPAA, etc.).

You are looking for ways to provide strong authentication to a wider audience for:

  • VPN remote access
  • Microsoft® Windows® desktops and servers
  • Web-based and custom applications

You want one enterprise authentication platform that offers greater control and flexibility in determining how to secure different users and their connectivity — based on the risks associated with the transactions they are performing. You are also looking for more cost-effective alternative to the expensive, traditional two-factor authentication tokens such as RSA SecurID tokens.

  • Password security needs to be replaced with stronger authentication
  • Strong authentication needs to be available to a wider audience — efficiently and cost-effectively
  • Stronger security is required for access to resources with greater value, but you want one authentication platform across VPN remote access, Microsoft desktop and web implementations

Entrust IdentityGuard

Entrust IdentityGuard is a risk-based strong authentication platform that enables you to layer security across your diverse users, transactions and applications. It enables you to apply the right level of authentication tailored to the risk associated with the connectivity and actions that a user is performing.

Layering Strong Authentication Matches Security to Risk
Your users all have different levels of access and unique resource requirements. Not all resources require the same level of security because of differing levels of risk. As part of a layered defense against online attacks, Entrust IdentityGuard helps to connect fraud detection capabilities to the risk assessment process to ensure the right level of security is applied to a given transaction. Entrust IdentityGuard provides organizations with the ability to react in real-time, based on their risk-assessment analysis, to apply strong authentication to protect identities and resources.

Entrust IdentityGuard delivers mutual authentication – also called two-way authentication – in addition to strong user authentication. This means that you can make it possible for your users (employees, partners and customers) to be confident that they are accessing your legitimate website or responding to an authentic email message.

Each of the Entrust IdentityGuard server authentication options can be used in web applications or email communications to provide users with confidence that they are communicating with the your organization. These techniques are very helpful in deterring phishing attacks.

VPN Remote Access with Stronger Authentication
Integrating with existing VPN remote access vendors, Entrust IdentityGuard adds multiple layers of strong authentication to the following vendor products:

Integration Guides for:

Entrust IdentityGuard Integration with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Public key infrastructure and digital certificates from Entrust enable you to integrate and extend your authentication platform to provide encryption and digital signature capabilities across a wide range of applications and resources. Learn More

Learn more about Entrust IdentityGuard for Enterprise Authentication

Talk to us about your Enterprise Authentication requirements