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National Defence / Défense Nationale

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The role of the Canadian Forces Joint Operations Group (CF JOG) is to provide a rapidly deployable, operational-level command and control capability for the Canadian Forces (CF) in order to meet domestic and international commitments. The CF JOG provides the Canadian Forces with a significant deployable operational command and control capability. A truly joint organization with expertise in Naval, Army and Air Force operations, the CF JOG is designed to work at the operational level. In addition, the CF JOG establishes a single source for communications and information support (CIS) to all CF operations, it provides a rapid reaction capability and greatly enhances CF interoperability.

To support its role, CF JOG has two assigned units; the Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters (CF JHQ) and the Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment (CF JSR).

CF JOG may be called upon to perform such duties as;

  • Theatre Activation. This task supports the deployment and employment of CF personnel into new areas of operation. A Theatre Activation Team (TAT), deployed for approximately 40 days, prepares for the arrival of the follow-on contingent. TAT personnel are on 48 hours notice to move;

  • Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART). CF JOG maintain the DART Headquarters on a 48 hours notice to move basis;

  • Deployable Headquarters. CF JOG is capable of deploying a headquarters element to provide a command and control function to the senior Canadian commander within an allied, coalition or multinational force chain of command or in a complex domestic operation;

CF JSR utilizes state-of-the-art communications technology to provide signals support to the CF JHQ as well as communications and information systems (CIS) to support CF operations. CF JSR tasks include:

  • Providing rapid field deployable CIS support to CF operations around the world. This includes: establishing and maintaining secure and non-secure radio, telephone and satellite communication networks; installing and upgrading computer systems and software applications;

  • Providing heavy cabling support, including fibre optic communications networks, to CF installations in Canada and around the world.

  • Providing signals support to the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART);

  • Conducting national level CIS training for the CF; and,

  • Providing logistics and personnel services support to the CF JHQ.
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Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) / ADM (PA)