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National Defence / Défense Nationale

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Britain launched the multi-national effort to help the Government of Sierra Leone build effective and democratically accountable armed forces in compliance with the Lomé Peace Agreement, which was signed in July 1999 by all the parties to the Sierra Leone civil war. An International Military Advisory Training Team (IMATT), was created to provide the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces with training and advice. IMATT continues today as part of Britain's effort to help the Government of Sierra Leone restore peace and stability after years of war.

Operation SCULPTURE is Canada's military contribution to this British-led international military advisory and training initiative and Canadian Forces (CF) members began serving with IMATT in Sierra Leone in November 2000.

The CF has a long history of assistance to Africa, and current deployments in Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, and a colonel assigned to serve as the Military Advisor and Senior Military Liaison Officer to the Special Representative of the Secretary General in West Africa all demonstrate Canada's continued commitment to building peace and security in West Africa. Building on this work, Canada supports the New Partnership for Africa's Development and the G-8 Africa Action Plan.

Canadian Forces Shift Focus in Sierra Leone
[News Release -- June 8, 2005]

Canadian Forces Personnel Deploy on Continuing Rotations to Sierra Leone
[News Release -- June 14, 2004]

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