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Plan Document
Commencement, Amendment and Termination of Coverage
Available Coverage
Plan Provisions
Extended Health Provision
Extended Health Provision - Drug Benefit
Extended Health Provision - Vision Care Benefit
Extended Health Provision - Medical Practitioners Benefit
Extended Health Provision - Miscellaneous Expense Benefit
Extended Health Provision - Dental Benefit
Extended Health Provision - Out-of-Province Benefit
Hospital Provision
Basic Health Care Provision
Hospital (Outside Canada) Provision
Summary of Maximum Eligible Expenses
Schedule I - Participating Employers
Schedule II - Employers Withdrawn from the PSHCP
Schedule III - Designated Persons, Boards and Agencies
Schedule IV - Recognised Ongoing Pension Benefits
Schedule V - Monthly Contribution Rates
Schedule VI - Full Employer-Paid Coverage
Schedule VII - Life-Sustaining Drugs
Alternate Format(s)
Printable Version

Public Service Health Care Plan Directive

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Extended Health Provision - Dental Benefit

For: all members

Lower Cost Alternative

When two or more courses of treatment for oral procedure or accidental injury are considered appropriate, the Plan will pay for the lesser of the two treatments.

Eligible expenses mean the reasonable and customary charges for the following services and oral surgical procedures performed by a dentist:

Accidental Injury

The services of a dental surgeon, and charges for dental prosthesis, required for the treatment of a fractured jaw or for the treatment of accidental injuries to natural teeth if the fracture or injury was caused by external, violent and accidental injury or blow other than an accident associated with normal acts such as cleaning, chewing and eating, provided the treatment occurred within 12 months following the accident or, in the case of a dependant child under 17 years of age, before attaining 18 years of age. A physician's prescription is not required. This time limit may be extended if, as determined by the Administrator, the treatment could not have been rendered within the time frame specified.

If a member is covered under the Public Service Dental Plan, the RCMP Dependants Dental Care Plan, or the CF Dependants Dental Care Plan, claims for expenses for accidental injury should first be submitted to the PSHCP.

Oral Surgical Procedures

1. cysts, lesions, abscesses

(a) biopsy
- soft tissue lesion
- incision
- excision
- hard tissue lesion

(b) excision of cysts

(c) excision of benign lesion

(d) excision of ranula

(e) incision and drainage
- intra oral - soft tissue
- intra osseous - (into bone)

(f) periodontal abscess
- incision and drainage

2. gingival and alveolar procedures

(a) alveoplasty
(b) flap approach with curettage
(c) flap approach with osteoplasty
(d) flap approach with curettage and osteoplasty
(e) gingival curettage
(f) gingivectomy with or without curettage
(g) gingivoplasty

3. removal of teeth or roots

(a) removal of impacted teeth
(b) removal of root or foreign body from maxillary antrum
(c) root resection - (apiectomy or apicoectomy)
- anterior teeth
- bicuspids
- molars

4. fractures and dislocations

(a) dislocation - temporo-mandibular joint (or jaw)
- closed reduction
- open reduction

(b) fractures - mandible
- no reduction
- closed reduction
- open reduction

(c) fractures - maxillar or malar
- no reduction
- closed reduction
- open reduction
- open reduction (complicated)

5. other procedures

(a) avulsion of nerve - supra or infra-orbital

(b) frenectomy - labial or buccal (lip or cheek)

(c) lingual (tongue)

(d) repair of antro-oral fistula

(e) sialolithotomy - simple

(f) sialolithotomy - complicated

(g) sulcus deepening, ridge reconstruction

(h) treatment of traumatic injuries
- repair of soft tissue lacerations
- debridement, repair, suturing

(i) torus - (bone biopsy)

If a member is covered under the Public Service Dental Care Plan, the RCMP Dependants Dental Care Plan, or the CF Dependants Dental Care Plan, claims for expenses for oral surgery should first be submitted to that plan. Any amount not covered by that plan may be submitted to the PSHCP.


No benefit is payable for:

1. expenses incurred under any of the conditions listed under General Exclusions and Limitations in the Plan Provisions;

2. dental expenses, except those specifically provided under Eligible Expenses for treatment of accidental injuries to natural teeth and oral surgical procedures.

Extended Health Provision - Out-of-Province Benefit

For: members with Supplementary Coverage

The Out-of-Province Benefit consists of:

  • Emergency Benefit While Travelling
  • Emergency Travel Assistance Services
  • Referral Benefit

Emergency Benefit While Travelling

The PSHCP covers each participant for up to $100,000 (Canadian) in eligible medical expenses incurred as a result of an emergency while travelling on vacation or on business.

Eligible expenses mean the reasonable and customary charges in excess of the amount payable by a provincial/territorial health insurance plan, if they are required for emergency treatment of an injury or disease which occurs within 40 days from the date of departure from the province/territory of residence.

Eligible expenses are charges for:

1. public ward accommodation and auxiliary hospital services in a general hospital;

2. services of a physician;

3. one way economy air fare for the patient's return to their province/territory of residence. Air fare for a professional attendant accompanying the participant is also included where medically required;

4. medical evacuation, which may include ambulance services, when suitable care, as determined by the Administrator, is not available in the area where the emergency occurred;

5. family assistance benefits up to a combined maximum of $2,500 for any one travel emergency, as follows:

(a) the maximum payable for dependent children under age 16 who are left unattended because the participant or the participant's covered spouse is hospitalised and an escort (if necessary) is the cost of economy airfare for return transportation;

(b) return transportation if a family member is hospitalised and as a result the family members are unable to return home on the originally scheduled flight, and must purchase new return tickets. The extra cost of the return airfare is payable, to a maximum of the cost of economy airfare;

(c) a visit of a relative if the family member is hospitalised for more than 7 days while travelling alone. This includes economy airfare, and meals and accommodations to a maximum of $150 per day, for a spouse, parent, child, brother or sister. This benefit also covers expenses incurred if it is necessary to identify a deceased family member prior to release of the body;

(d) meals and accommodations if the participant or a covered dependant's trip is extended due to hospitalisation of a family member. The additional expenses incurred by accompanying family members for accommodations and meals are provided to a maximum of $150 per day;

6. return of the deceased in the event of death of a family member. The necessary authorisations will be obtained and arrangements made for the return of the deceased to the province/territory of residence. The maximum payable for the preparation and return of the deceased is $3,000.

Emergency Travel Assistance Services

The PSHCP provides a toll free number which gives participants 24 hour access to a world-wide assistance network. The network will provide:

1. transportation arrangements to the nearest hospital that provides the appropriate care or back to Canada;

2. medical referrals, consultation and monitoring;

3. legal referrals;

4. a telephone interpretation service;

5. a message service for family and business associates; messages will be held for up to 15 days;

6. advance payment on behalf of the participant or a covered dependant for the payment of hospital and medical expenses.

To arrange for advance payment of hospital and medical expenses, the participant must sign an authorisation form allowing the Administrator to recover payment from the provincial/territorial health insurance plan. The participant must reimburse the Administrator for any payment made on his behalf which is in excess of the amount eligible for reimbursement under the provincial/territorial health insurance plan and this Plan.

Assistance services are not available in countries of political unrest. The list of countries, as maintained by the Administrator, will change according to world conditions.

Neither the Administrator nor the company providing the assistance network is responsible for the availability, quality or result of the medical treatment received by the participant or for the failure to obtain medical treatment.

Official Travel Status

Employees required to travel on "official travel status" for government business are covered under the Emergency Benefit While Travelling and the Emergency Travel Assistance Services during the entire period of "official travel status". Although there is no time limit to be on "official travel status", the $100,000 (Canadian) benefit coverage limit still applies.

Referral Benefit

The following items of expense are eligible for reimbursement under the PSHCP provided that the services are:

- performed when the participant physically leaves the province/territory of residence;

- following a written referral by the attending physician in the province/territory of residence;

- for a service that is not offered in the province/territory of residence.

Eligible expenses under this benefit will be limited to the reasonable and customary charges in excess of the amount payable by a provincial/territorial health insurance plan and to the maximum eligible expense specified in the Summary of Maximum Eligible Expenses:

1. public ward accommodation and auxiliary hospital services in a general hospital;

2. services of a physician or surgeon;

3. laboratory services including those services which when ordered by and performed under the direction of a physician provide information used in the diagnosis or treatment of disease or injury. Services include, but are not limited to, blood or other body fluid analysis, clinical pathology, radiological procedures, ultrasounds, etc.


No benefit is payable for:

1. expenses incurred outside the participant's province/territory of residence if they are required for the emergency treatment of an injury or disease which occurred more than 40 days after the date of departure from the province/territory of residence, except as provided for members who are on official travel status;

2. expenses incurred by a participant who is temporarily or permanently residing outside Canada;

3. expenses for the regular treatment of an injury or disease which existed prior to the participant's departure from their province/territory of residence;

4. expenses incurred under any of the conditions listed under General Exclusions and Limitations in the Plan Provisions.

Hospital Provision

For: all members

This provision provides reimbursement for reasonable and customary charges, up to specified amounts, for each day of hospital confinement for the cost of hospital room and board charges other than standard ward charges (i.e., semi-private or private accommodation), whether the member is residing in Canada or outside Canada. There is a maximum amount which may be payable under this provision for each day of confinement, depending on the level of coverage the member has chosen. The levels are shown in the summary of Maximum of Eligible Expenses. All members of the PSHCP must be covered under one level of the Hospital Provision.

Eligible Expenses

Level I, II and III

1. Eligible expense for all participants (other than pensioners residing outside Canada) are charges for semi-private or private hospital room and board charges in excess of the charges for public ward up to the maximum specified in the Summary of Maximum Eligible Expenses for each day of hospitalisation, excluding hospital charges referred to as coinsurance charges or user fees.

2. Eligible expenses for pensioners residing outside Canada are hospital charges up to the maximum specified in the Summary of Maximum Eligible Expenses for each day of hospitalisation.

3. No deductible or co-payment applies.


No benefit is payable for:

1. expenses incurred under any of the conditions listed under General Exclusions and Limitations in the Plan Provisions;

2. co-insurance charges or similar charges for hospital care which are in excess of charges payable by a provincial or territorial government health or hospital insurance plan, except charges as provided under the terms of the hospital provision. However, co-insurance charges for a chronic care hospital for a patient who is confined to a chronic care hospital, and has made at least one claim for such charges before September 1, 1992 and makes a further claim for the same period of confinement, are eligible;

3. personal charges such as televisions and telephones.

Basic Health Care Provision

For: all members with Comprehensive Coverage

The provision is available only to members who reside outside Canada and are not covered under a provincial/territorial health insurance plan. Its purpose is to provide reimbursement for services, excluding Hospital Services, which are the equivalent as far as possible to those services available to individuals residing in Canada and covered under a provincial/territorial health insurance plan. The co-payment and deductible amount do not apply under this provision.

The maximum eligible expense for these services is equal to a multiple of the amount otherwise payable based on the current fee schedule in force under the Health Insurance Act 1972 of Ontario on the day when the expense is incurred. The multiple is specified in the Summary of Maximum Eligible Expenses.

Eligible Expenses

The eligible expenses include:

1. services of a physician including:

(a) physician's services in the participant's home, the physician's office, clinic or in a hospital,

(b) diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury,

(c) one annual health examination,

(d) treatment of fractures and dislocations,

(e) surgery, including surgery performed by a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) when performed in the United States of America,

(f) administration of anaesthetics,

(g) x-rays for diagnostic and treatment purposes,

(h) obstetrical care, including prenatal and postnatal care,

(i) laboratory services and clinical pathology when ordered by and performed under the direction of a physician;

2. services of an optometrist;

3. services of a physiotherapist;

4. ambulance services;

5. services of a chiropractor, osteopath or podiatrist.


No benefit is payable for:

1. expenses incurred under any of the conditions listed under General Exclusions and Limitations in the Plan Provisions.

2. physician services rendered as a salaried employee of a hospital. An employee posted outside Canada may be reimbursed for these expenses under the Hospital (Outside Canada) Provision.

Hospital (Outside Canada) Provision

For: - all employees with Comprehensive Coverage
- not available to pensioners

Coverage under this provision is mandatory for employees and members of the CF and RCMP residing outside Canada who are not eligible to be covered under a provincial/territorial health insurance plan. Its purpose is to provide hospital coverage protection equivalent, as far as possible, to that available to individuals resident in Canada and covered under a provincial/territorial health or hospital plan. This provision provides reimbursement for reasonable and customary charges for hospital confinement in a general hospital, a hospital of the Canadian Forces or a hospital of the armed forces of a foreign country. The co-payment and deductible amounts do not apply under this Provision.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses are hospital charges for each day of hospitalisation in a general hospital, a hospital of the CF or the forces of a foreign country.

Eligible charges may include those for:

1. standard ward accommodation;

2. necessary nursing services when provided by the hospital;

3. laboratory, radiological and other diagnostic procedures;

4. drugs, prescribed and administered in hospital by any attending physician;

5. use of operating and delivery rooms, anaesthetic and surgical supplies;

6. services rendered by any person paid by the hospital;

7. use of speech therapy facilities when prescribed by a physician;

8. use of diet counselling services when prescribed by a physician;

9. out-patient services provided by a hospital.


No benefit is payable for:

1. expenses incurred under any of the conditions listed under General Exclusions and Limitations in the Plan Provisions;

2. co-insurance charges or similar charges for hospital care which are in excess of charges payable by a provincial or territorial government health or hospital insurance plan and which are not charges made for utilisation of semi-private or private accommodation, except that co-insurance charges for a chronic care hospital for a patient who is confined to a chronic care hospital, and has made at least one claim for such charges before September 1, 1992 and makes a further claim for the same period of confinement, are eligible;

3. a person insured under a non-government group hospital insurance plan administered in a foreign country that provides hospital expense benefits similar to those provided under the Health Insurance Act, 1972 of Ontario, as amended from time to time.

Summary of Maximum Eligible Expenses


Maximum Eligible Expense per Participant


Deductible 1

Extended Health Provision

as indicated below



Drug Benefit


  • 80%

  • yes

  • smoking cessation aids

  • $1,000 in a lifetime



Vision Care Benefit


  • 80%

  • yes

  • eyeglasses/contact lenses (purchase and repairs)

  • $200 every 2 calendar years commencing every odd year

  • no limit if required as a result of surgery or accident and purchased within 6 months of the event



  • eye examinations

  • 1 examination every 2 calendar years commencing every odd year



Medical Practitioners Benefit


  • 80%

  • yes

Services of:




  • physiotherapist

  • up to $500 and over $1000 in a calendar year



  • psychologist

  • $1,000 in a calendar year



  • massage therapist

  • $300 in a calendar year



  • osteopath

  • $300 in a calendar year



  • naturopath

  • $300 in a calendar year



  • podiatrist

  • $300 in a calendar year



  • chiropodist

  • $300 in a calendar year



  • chiropractor

  • $500 in a calendar year



  • speech language pathologist

  • $500 in a calendar year



  • electrologist (including treatment when performed by a physician)

  • $20 per visit



  • nursing services

  • $15,000 in a calendar year



Miscellaneous Expense Benefit


  • 80%

  • yes

  • orthopaedic shoes

  • $150 in a calendar year



  • hearing aids (purchase/repairs)

  • $500 less any eligible hearing aid expenses claimed during the previous 60 months

  • no limit if required as a result of surgery or accident and purchased within 6 months of the event



  • orthopaedic brassieres

  • $100 in a calendar year



  • wigs

  • $500 in a lifetime



  • insulin jet injector device

  • $760 during a 36 month period



Durable Equipment




A. For Care




Devices for physical movement




  • walker

  • once in 60 months



  • lift/hoist

  • once in a lifetime



  • wheelchair (purchase/repairs)

  • once in 60 months, less any wheelchair expenses claimed for repairs during the previous 60 months. In case of dependant children, the 60-month maximum may not apply for medical necessity.



Devices for support and resting




  • hospital bed

  • once in a lifetime



  • roho cushion

  • once in 12 months



  • therapeutic mattress

  • once in 60 months



Devices for monitoring




  • apnea monitor

  • once in a lifetime



  • enuresis detector

  • once in a lifetime



B. For Treatment




Devices for mechanical and therapeutic support




  • transcutaneous electric stimulator

  • once in 120 months



  • traction kit

  • once in a lifetime



  • infusion pump

  • once in 60 months



  • extremity pump (lymphapress)

  • once in a lifetime



Devices for aerotherapeutic support




  • CPAP's, BiPAP's, related dental appliances

  • once in 120 months



  • compressor

  • once in 60 months



  • maximist

  • once in 60 months



Out-of-Province Benefit




  • Emergency Benefit While Travelling/Emergency Travel Assistance Services

  • $100,000 per period of travel (not exceeding 40 consecutive days)

  • 100%

  • none

  • Referral Benefit

  • $25,000 per illness or injury

  • 80%

  • yes

Hospital Provision




Level I

  • $60 per day

  • 100%

  • none

Level II

  • $100 per day

  • 100%

  • none

Level III

  • $150 per day

  • 100%

  • none

Basic Health Care Provision

  • 3x the amount otherwise payable under the current fee schedule of the Health Insurance Act 1972 of Ontario

  • 100%

  • none

(1) The deductible is $60 per person, $100 per family. The deductible applies per calendar year to the combined eligible expenses under the Extended Health Provision.

Length of time a prescription is valid

services of a physiotherapist one year
services of a massage therapist six months
services of a speech language pathologist one year
services of a psychologist one year
services of a nurse one year, unless otherwise advised by the Administrator
services of an electrologist three years
orthotics three years
orthopaedic shoes one year

Note: Unless otherwise requested by the Administrator, all other prescriptions do not have a time limit.

Schedule I - Participating Employers

List of participating employers subject to the PSHCP, as amended from time to time by the Treasury Board of Canada:


PSHCP Pensioners only
Atlantic Pilotage Authority  |  
Atomic Energy Control Board |  
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd   |
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency |  
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation |  
Canada Ports Corporation (HQ) |  
Canada Investment and Savings (DET) (formerly Canada Retail Debt Agency (CRDA) |  
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety |  
Canadian Commercial Corporation |  
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment |  
Canadian Film Development Corporation (Telefilm Canada) |  
Canadian Food Inspection Agency |  
Canadian Museum of Nature |  
Canadian Polar Commission |  
Canadian Security Intelligence Service |  
Communications Security Establishment |  
Correctional Investigator |  
Deer Lodge Centre |  
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada |  
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada |  
Great Lakes Pilotage Authority |  
Gvt. Of Nunavut |  
Gvt. of N.W.T. |  

      Deh Cho Health and Social Services 



      Dogrib Community Services Board



      Fort Smith Health Centre



      Inuvik Regional Health Board



      N.W.T. - Workers' Compensation Board



      N.W.T. Housing Corporation



      N.W.T. Power Corporation



      Stanton Yellowknife Hospital



      Yellowknife Health and Social Services



Heritage Canada/Héritage Canada |  
House of Commons - employees |  
House of Commons - MPs |  
Indian Oil and Gas Canada |  
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development |  
International Development Research Centre |  
Laurentian Pilotage Authority |  
Library of Parliament |  
Medical Research Council of Canada |  
National Battlefields Commission |  
National Capital Commission |  
National Energy Board  |  
National Film Board |  
National Gallery of Canada |  
National Museums of Science and Technology |  
National Research Council of Canada |  
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy |  
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council |  
Northern Pipeline Agency |  
Office of the Auditor General of Canada |  
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General - employees |  
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions |  
Pacific Pilotage Authority |  
Parks Canada Agency |  
Parliamentary Centre for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade |  
Public Service Labour Relations Board |  
Queen Elizabeth Health Services (formerly Camp Hill Hospital)   |
Royal Canadian Mint |  
St. Lawrence Seaway Authority   |
Senate of Canada - employees |  
Senate of Canada - Senators |  
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council |  

Schedule II - Employers Withdrawn from the PSHCP

The following commissions, boards or agencies were designated by the Treasury Board of Canada as having withdrawn from the PSHCP on the date specified, as amended from time to time by the Treasury Board of Canada:

NAME Effective Date
Canada Council January 1, 1979
Canada Post Corporation withdrew 1 January 1993
Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women Dissolved April 1, 1995
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation May 1, 1980
Canadian Museum of Civilization Withdrew April 1, 1997
Canadian Saltfish Corporation Dissolved November 1, 1995
Cape Breton Development Corporation (employees at Point Edward Industrial and Marine Park) Dissolved 1960's and 1970's
Defence Construction Canada January 1, 1981
Deninoo Community Health Services Board no longer participating
Export Development Corporation July 1, 1979
Farm Credit Corporation July 1, 2000
Gvt of Yukon Territory Withdrew May 1, 1998
Halifax Port Corporation March 1, 2000
International Centre for Ocean Development Dissolved March 26, 1993
MacKenzie Regional Health Service Dissolved May 1997
National Arts Centre December 1, 1977
Northern Canada Power Commission September 1, 1982
Port de Sept-Iles May 1, 2000
Port de Trois-Rivières May 1, 2000
Port of Churchill Dissolved Sept 1997
Port Saguenay May 1, 2000
Prince Rupert Port Corporation May 1, 2000
Saint John Port Corporation, NB May 1, 2000
Société du Port de Montréal May 1, 2000
Société du Port de Québec May 1, 2000
Standards Council of Canada Withdrew August 1, 1993
Teleglobe January 1, 1984
Vancouver Port Corporation March 2000
Victoria Hospital No longer participating


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