Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

Official Languages Innovation Program ,


Message from the President

1. News Release

2. Fact Sheet and Graphics 

3. Objectives

4. Program Overview

5. Targeted Results

6. Program Governance

        Official Languages Branch

        Steering Committee


        Federal Regional Councils

7. Submission Date of Projects

8. Official Languages Innovation Fund (Appendix A)

9. Regional Partnerships Fund (Appendix B)

10. Application Form

11. Memorandum of Understanding

        Regional Partnerships Fund

        Official Languages Innovation Fund

12. Steering Committee

13. Questions

14. Evaluation Score Board 2004-05

15. Approved Projects 2003-04

16. Approved Projects 2004-05

17. Approved Projects 2005-06




I am pleased to announce the launch of the Official Languages Innovation Program. The objective of this program is to ensure that the public service is better equipped to comply with the Official Languages Act (the Act) and to reflect Canada’s linguistic duality.

The Innovation Program is one of the initiatives announced in the Action Plan for Official Languages, a major project that aims, among other things, to create an exemplary public service. To achieve this aim, the government plans to invest new funds to help federal institutions implement the Official Languages Program. A total of $14 million will be allocated over the next five years to enable the development of innovative projects.

This new program has two components: the Regional Partnerships Fund and the Official Languages Innovation Fund.

The Regional Partnerships Fund helps federal regional councils finance innovative projects tailored to regional conditions relating to service to the public, language of work in designated bilingual regions, and balanced participation of Anglophones and Francophones in the public service.

The Official Languages Innovation Fund was established to enable federal institutions to improve their ability to provide services to the public in both official languages, create an environment that promotes the use of both languages in the workplace in bilingual regions, encourage cultural change, and improve their management of the program. This fund uses a financing formula of fifty percent of the amount invested by institutions submitting projects.

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to submit your projects to promote official languages in your region and in your institutions.

I hope you find the information and links on our site helpful, and I invite you to visit often since we will be updating it as we make progress with implementation of the Innovation Program.




The Guidelines for the Official Languages Innovation Program set out the roles and responsibilities of all federal institutions targeted by the Program. Two appendices have also been added that include, among other things, the particular eligibility criteria for each of the two funds that the Program comprises. The Guidelines address the following items:

  1. Objectives

  2. Program Overview

  3. Targeted Results

  4. Program Governance

  5. Submission Date of Projects

  6. Official Languages Innovation Fund (Appendix A)
    Regional Partnerships Fund (Appendix B)

1.    Objectives

The objectives of the Program are to:

1.1 promote the Official Languages Program in the Public Service of Canada;
1.2 promote and encourage a change in organizational culture and improve the management of the Official Languages Program in the Public Service of Canada;
1.3 support federal institutions subject to the Official Languages Act (the Act) in implementing the Official Languages Program in their organizations; and
1.4 enable federal institutions to set up innovative projects and activities that will ensure that management of official languages is a top priority in their organizations.

2.    Program Overview

2.1 The Action Plan for Official Languages allocated a total of $14 million from 2005 to 2008 to carry out initiatives in the area of official languages.
2.2 The Official Languages Innovation Program has two components:
  • the Official Languages Innovation Fund; and

  • the Regional Partnerships Fund.

2.3 The Official Languages Innovation Fund is set up to enable federal institutions to improve their ability to provide services to the public in both official languages; create an environment that promotes the use of both languages in the workplace in designated bilingual regions; encourage a change in organizational culture; and improve the management of the Program within their institution and the Public Service. This fund uses matching funds from institutions submitting projects.
2.4 The Regional Partnerships Fund helps federal regional councils fund innovative projects tailored to regional conditions regarding service to the public, language of work in regions designated as bilingual, and equitable participation.
2.5 Project evaluation and the sharing of best practices are part of the basic requirements to ensure that results are made known and that successful experiences are shared.
2.6 Any promotional activities relating to projects should be identified.

3.    Targeted Results

3.1 The Official Languages Innovation Program aims to provide improved service to the public in both official languages, as well as greater use of both official languages in the workplace in designated bilingual regions, and more equitable participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians in the Public Service. It also seeks more efficient management of the Official Languages Program within the Public Service.
3.2 Through the activities established, the Official Languages Innovation Program gives concrete expression to the spirit of the Act in federal institutions.
This Program enables institutions for which Treasury Board is the employer, separate employer institutions, and Crown corporations (i.e. all institutions subject to the Act except private agencies) to submit innovative projects that meet the eligibility criteria for service to the public, language of work, equitable participation, and management of the Program.

4.    Program Governance

4.1    The Official Languages Branch 

4.1.1 ensures co-ordination of the funds;
4.1.2 receives the requests for funding;
4.1.3 prepares the files and present them to the Steering Committee;
4.1.4 gives advice to the Steering Committee;
4.1.5 reports on project results;
4.1.6 facilitates liaison between the stakeholders;
4.1.7 ensures the monitoring and control of the implementation of all project components;
4.1.8 examines the activity reports, as well as the results obtained and report to the Steering Committee;
4.1.9 manages the Official Languages Innovation Program and provide Secretariat services to the Steering Committee; 
4.1.10 prepares the omnibus submission to be presented to Treasury Board; and
4.1.11 prepares the activities roll-up and the final report.

4.2    The Steering Committee 

4.2.1 establishes priorities for the allocation of funds;
4.2.2 examines the presentations relating to project financing; and
4.2.3 recommends to Treasury Board which projects should receive funding.

The Steering Committee includes representatives of the Official Languages Branch (OLB) of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC), as well as official languages champions from both federal institutions and federal regional councils. Representatives are at the Assistant Deputy Minister level, Director level, or equivalent.

4.3    Institutions 

4.3.1 decide on the internal approval process for submitted projects;
4.3.2 submit the projects to OLB;
4.3.3 manage the funds according to what is stipulated in the agreement between the institution, OLB, and the Steering Committee;
4.3.4 keep a separate account for each approved project, allowing the OLB to conduct a better evaluation; and
4.3.5 submit an activity report, as well as an evaluation for approved projects.

4.4     Federal Regional Councils

4.4.1 decide on the internal approval process for submitted regional projects;
4.4.2 determine which institution will represent each region for the submission of the projects to OLB and to the Steering Committee;
4.4.3 submit the projects to OLB;
4.4.4 manage the funds according to what is stipulated in the agreement between the institution, OLB, and the Steering Committee;
4.4.5 keep a separate account for each approved project, allowing the OLB to conduct a better evaluation; and
4.4.6 submit an activity report, as well as an evaluation for approved projects.

5.    Submission Date of Projects

Projects must be submitted by January 31, 2006. (Extension until February 3, 2006)

6.    Appendices

Appendix A and Appendix B deal with the characteristics of the admissibility criteria for both the Official Languages Innovation Fund and the Regional Partnerships Fund.

Each appendix describes the eligibility criteria for one of the funds, as well as the process to be followed, the required content of submissions, the financing method, access to information, and the endorsement and also provides supplementary information.




1.    Eligibility Criteria

Institutions will submit projects with clear objectives, an appropriate management framework, an accountability framework, and an evaluation process demonstrating concrete results. Approved projects must be completed by March 31 of the fiscal year following their approval. Activities may be multi-year; however, financing is approved annually according to obtained results and is subject to approval.

In order to obtain funding from the Official Languages Innovation Fund, institutions have to meet the following criteria. Proposals must:

1.1 be submitted by January 31st, 2006;(Extension until February 3, 2006).
1.2 support the Official Languages Program with respect to service to the public; language of work; encourage a change in the organizational culture or improving the management of the Official Languages Program;
1.3 comply with the specific objectives relating to organizational cultural change identified in the Official Languages Action Plan, as well as in the action plans submitted by the institutions subject to the Official Languages Act;
1.4 have a long-term ripple effect in the institution and in the Public Service to maximize their effects and serve as a model for federal institutions;
1.5 promote partnerships within the institution as well as inter-organizational partnerships; and
1.6 contribute 50% of financial, human, or material resources to the establishment of projects.

2.    Process

The federal institution:

2.1 determines its official languages needs and priorities;
2.2 elaborates activities, projects, and concepts that will address its needs and priorities;
2.3 evaluates the proposed initiatives and selects those to be presented to the Official Languages Innovation Fund;
2.4 submits these projects to the Official Languages Branch (OLB) of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) for evaluation and approval;
2.5 ensures that the notice of agreement is signed by the Minister of the institution prior to presenting the omnibus submission to Treasury Board;
2.6 signs a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of the projects with OLB and the Steering Committee and agrees to contribute 50% of the resources;
2.7 receives funding under the terms of the memorandum of understanding with the OLB and the Steering Committee; and
2.8 delivers a project activity report to OLB for evaluation purposes six months after implementation of the projects.

3.    Content of Submissions to the Official Languages Innovation Fund

It is important to provide the following information for all projects eligible for funding from the Official Languages Innovation Fund:

3.1 a clear description of the projects, their objectives, and anticipated results;
3.2 a description of the links to the institution’s official languages program priorities and Official Languages Innovation Fund objectives;
3.3 a detailed work plan describing the projects and an implementation schedule;
3.4 a detailed budget;
3.5 a description of the performance indicators and evaluation mechanisms for the results of the projects;
3.6 an agreement to share information, knowledge, and experience; and
3.7 a description of anticipated national and regional impacts.

4.    Funding Method

4.1 Funding from the Official Languages Innovation Fund is conditional on the contribution of 50% of resources by the institution.
4.2 Accepted projects are approved on an annual basis and must end on March 31 of the year following their approval.
4.3 Projects are subject to parliamentary approval of funds and to the maintenance of current and forecasted budgetary levels of the Official Languages Innovation Fund.

5.    Access to Information and Privacy

All activities and projects funded by the Official Languages Innovation Fund are subject to information requests under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

6.    Mentions 

The federal institution undertakes to acknowledge the financial support of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada and all participating federal organizations in any advertising documents, promotional activities, and programs of events.

7.    Contact Information

For more information on the administration of the Official Languages Innovation Fund, please contact the Official Languages Branch, Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada:

Public Service Human Resources Management
  Agency of Canada
Official Languages Branch
Executive Secretariat
300 Laurier Avenue West
7th Floor, West Tower
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R3
Madeleine Simard, Coordinator
Telephone: (613) 948-9185
Fax: (613) 957-7036
Danielle de Bellefeuille,  Manager
Telephone: (613) 952-3132
Fax: (613) 957-7036




1.    Eligibility Criteria

Institutions will submit projects with clear objectives, an appropriate management framework, an accountability framework, and an evaluation process demonstrating concrete results. Approved projects must be completed by March 31 of the fiscal year following their approval. Activities may be multi-year; however, financing is approved annually according to obtained results and is subject to approval.

In order to obtain funding from the Regional Partnerships Fund, the federal regional councils have to meet the following criteria. Proposals must:

1.1 be submitted by January 31, 2006;(Extension until February 3, 2006).
1.2 support the Official Languages Program with respect to service to the public; language of work; and equitable participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians;
1.3 comply with the specific objectives relating to organizational cultural change identified in the Official Languages Action Plan concerning their obligations with respect to service to the public, language of work, and equitable participation;
1.4 have a long-term ripple effect in the institutions as well as in the region to maximize their effects and serve as a model for federal institutions;
1.5 give priority to projects aimed at regional interdepartmental collaboration and carried out in consultation with official language minority communities;
1.6 implement innovative and co-operative projects to improve service to the public and the situation regarding language of work in designated bilingual regions; and
1.7 aim to increase equitable participation of linguistic minority communities where this issue is a problem.

2.    Process

Regional Partnerships Fund

2.1 A single federal institution (banking institution) manages the fund. The Federal Regional Council is be responsible for project co-ordination and reports on the financing.
2.2 The council determines its official languages needs and priorities.
2.3 The council elaborates activities, projects, and concepts that will address its needs and priorities.
2.4 The council evaluates the proposed projects and selects those to be presented to the Regional Partnerships Fund.
2.5 The council submits these projects to the Official Languages Branch (OLB) of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) for evaluation and approval.
2.6 The Federal Regional Council ensures that the notice of agreement is signed by the Minister representing the banking institution prior to presenting the omnibus submission to Treasury Board.
2.7 The institutions participating in the projects sign a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of the projects with OLB and the Steering Committee.
2.8 The host institution receives funding under the terms of the memorandum of understanding signed with OLB and the Steering Committee.
2.9 The Federal Regional Council delivers a project activity report to OLB for evaluation purposes six months after implementation of the projects.

3.    Content of Submissions to the Regional Partnerships Fund

It is important to provide the following information for all projects eligible for funding under the Regional Partnerships Fund:

3.1 a clear description of the projects, their objectives, and anticipated results;
3.2 a description of the links to the institution’s official languages program priorities and Regional Partnerships Fund objectives;
3.3 a detailed work plan describing the projects and an implementation schedule;
3.4 a detailed budget;
3.5 a description of the performance indicators and evaluation mechanisms for the results of the projects;
3.6 an agreement to share information, knowledge, and experience; and
3.7 a description of anticipated national and regional impacts.

4.    Funding Method

4.1 Accepted projects are approved on an annual basis and end on March 31 of the year following their approval.
4.2 Projects are subject to parliamentary approval of funds and to the maintenance of current and forecasted budgetary levels of the Regional Partnerships Fund.

5.    Access to Information and Privacy

All activities and projects funded by the Regional Partnerships Fund are subject to information requests under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

6.    Mentions 

The Federal Regional Council undertakes to acknowledge the financial support of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada and all participating federal organizations in any advertising documents, promotional activities, and programs of events.

7.    Contact Information

For more information on the administration of the Regional Partnerships Fund, please contact the Official Languages Branch, Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada:

Public Service Human Resources 
  Management Agency of Canada
Official Languages Branch
Executive Secretariat
300 Laurier Avenue West
7th Floor, West Tower
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R5
Madeleine Simard, Coordinator
Telephone: (613) 948-9185
Fax: (613) 957-7036
Danielle de Bellefeuille, Manager
Telephone: (613) 952-3132
Fax: (613) 957-7036




  1. Which fund:

  2. Name of the project:

  3. Proposal submitted by:

  4. In collaboration with:

  5. Project summary:

  6. Total funds requested:

  7. Indicate vote number:

  8. Provide name, full address, phone number and e-mail of contact person responsible for the project as well as OL Champion:




Describe how the project promotes the Official Languages Program within the institution and across the Public Service as a whole.


Indicate what the project entails, what parts of the Official Languages Act (the Act) it applies to, and what the project’s objectives are. For example, does the project apply to service to the public, language of work, equitable participation of French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians, management of the program or change in organizational culture.


Establish the targeted results the institution wishes to achieve by implementing the project. Specify what services are planned (the quality, cost of accessibility), and indicate how they will help the institution to meet its official languages requirements.


Specify the steps of the project and the project’s schedule. Provide enough information to give a good understanding of the project and plan for its implementation.


Establish the indicators against which the efficiency of the project will be measured.

The performance indicators will measure whether the targeted results have been met.


Clearly indicate the roles and responsibilities for each partner participating in the project, if applicable.

Document the operational and administrative duties as well as those related to monitoring, deliverables, and management.


Provide a clear description of the programs or services that support the implementation of the project.


Provide the costs of the project and include them in a work plan. Present the cost of salaries separately and use whole salary dollars. Do not include the payroll for existing employees unless filling positions through temporary assignments for the duration of the project is anticipated.


When making a request under the Official Languages Innovation Fund, indicate the funding participation from each party involved in the project.


Indicate the steps of the project and its duration. Approved projects must be completed by March 31 of the fiscal year. In the case of a multi-year project, the steps for the project and the costs forecast for each year must also be indicated.


Provide the names of the people responsible for the implementation of the project. In the case of the Regional Partnership Fund, indicate the regional contact.


Send your applications to:

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

Official Languages Innovation Program

Official Languages Branch

300 Laurier Avenue West

7th Floor, West Tower

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0R5



By Telephone

By mail - Write to us at

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Official Languages Innovation Program
Official Languages Branch
L'Esplanade Laurier
7th Floor, West Tower
300 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  K1A 0R5

By E-mail

You are invited to submit your comments by e-mail at: or by using the form below.

Note:  Personal information collected on this form is protected under the Government of Canada Privacy Statement.

Tell us how to get in touch with you:
Your name:
Organization name:
E-mail address:
Enter your comments or questions in the space provided below:

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Official Languages Branch

Project Description:

Give a brief description of your project.

Targeted Results:

What is or what are the result(s) that you wanted to achieve?

Description of Activities:

Enumerate and describe briefly and in concise manner the most important steps taken to complete your project

Measurement Tools:

Describe the methods or tools used to evaluate whether the objectives and targeted results have been achieved.

Results Achieved:

What results have you achieved? Are they different from those established at the beginning of the project. If so, please explain.

Ripple Effect:

What impact does your project have in terms of continuity, capacity building, creating partnerships as well as for promoting and encouraging a change in organizational culture and to be used as a model by federal institutions?

Funds allocated and spent:

What are the funds allocated to your institution or Regional Council by the Official Languages Innovation Program and provide allocation of your spendings. Explain, if necessary, why you did not spend all of the funds allocated?

Promotional Activities:

As it was agreed by your institution or Regional Council, please indicate how have you shared or will share the best practices to ensure the circulation of the results and successes.

Report submitted by (Use block letters):






Send your applications to:

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

Official Languages Innovation Program

Official Languages Branch

300 Laurier Avenue West

7th Floor, West Tower

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0R5


Government of Canada