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Write to the troops

Write to the Troops

Morale by Message Board !

The men and women of the Canadian Forces have demonstrated time and again that they will rise to any challenge. Let your Canadian Forces members know you appreciate their service by sending a message using this monitored message board.

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Morale by Mail!

Canadian sailors, soldiers and air force personnel deployed on operations need all the seasonal cheer they can get, and messages, postcards and letters from home are very important to their morale.

Post cards, letters, and parcels containing bundled letters, addressed to “Any CF Member” will be accepted

Individuals, schools and organizations often conduct letter writing campaigns to our deployed personnel. Such groups prefer to bundle the letters (or cards) in a parcel as a cost saving measure. These parcels are now acceptable.

Note that parcels cannot contain any other enclosures. If enclosures other than letters or postcards are detected, the item will be returned to sender.

This restriction does not apply to friends and family members, who can send parcels to individual CF members overseas by following guidelines available at local CF Base Postal Sections, Military Family Resource Centres, or through the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency .

  • When sending letters and parcels include the addressee's rank, name and unit in the address if you know it.

  • Include your return address as well.

Here are the addresses for the current CF deployments .


If you wish to make a donation to deployed CF personnel please visit our donations page .

If you wish to donate items to the citizens living in the countries where our Canadian Soldiers are serving, please contact a humanitarian aid agency.

The DND/CF Web site contains links to third party sites that are not subject to the Official Languages Act. We provide these links only as a service and convenience to our visitors. Our policy on external hyperlinks is located on our Important Notices page.

This website is maintained by
Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) / ADM (PA)