Contact Us

Do you think you have experienced discrimination? Are you interested in training on cultural diversity or on preventing sexual harassment within your organization? Are you not sure where to turn to for help?

Contact the nearest office of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Our staff will be pleased to explain the services we offer. Aussi, nous offrons quelques services en français.

Due to confidentiality, the Commission can not reply to complaints of discrimination over the Internet. Please contact the Commission by telephone or regular mail if you think you have a specific complaint.

Our central office is in Halifax and we have regional offices in Sydney, Digby and New Glasgow.

Call toll-free 1-877-269-7699 in Nova Scotia, 424-4111 in Halifax and area or 424-3139 (TTY) for assistance.

Halifax office:
6th Floor, Joseph Howe Building
1690 Hollis Street
P.O. Box 2221
Halifax, NS
B3J 3C4
tel. (902) 424-4111
fax (902) 424-0596

Sydney office:
Provincial Building
Prince Street
Sydney, N.S.
B1P 5L1
tel. (902) 563-2140
fax (902) 563-5613

Digby office:
Provincial Building,
84 Warwick St.,
Digby, N.S.,
B0V 1A0
tel. (902) 245-4791
fax (902) 245-7103

New Glasgow office:
2561 Westville Road, RR #3
P.O. Box 728
New Glasgow, N.S.
B2H 5C6
tel. (902) 752-3086
fax (902) 755-7239
Please contact us at