Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

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The Human Rights Code

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About the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

Promoting and protecting individual dignity and equal rights -that's the focus of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. It's the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission's job to discourage and eliminate discrimination. It does that in three ways:

  • investigates complaints of discrimination
  • promotes and approves equity programs
  • educates people about human rights law in Saskatchewan
Protected Categories

It's against the law for someone to discriminate against you because of your:

  • age
  • ancestry/aboriginal
  • ancestry/other (includes perceived race, color, nationality, place of origin)
  • family status
  • marital status
  • mental disability
  • physical disability
  • receipt of public assistance
  • religion
  • sexual harassment
  • sex/pregnancy
  • sex/other
  • sexual orientation
Protected Areas

It's against the law for someone to discriminate against you in:

  • contracts
  • education
  • employment
  • housing
  • professional trades and associations
  • public services (restaurants, stores, hotels, government services, etc.)
  • publications
  • purchase of property
  • occupations
  • trade unions

Bill of Rights

It's against the law for someone to violate your rights under the Bill of Rights sections of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. Those include the right to freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, and free association.



Government of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

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