Climate change is considered by many scientists to be the most serious threat facing the world today. The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty that requires countries around the world to cut greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change - opening the door to a cleaner future of innovative energy technologies. Solutions include phasing out coal plants, expanding renewable energy sources and public transit, and creating new efficiency standards for vehicles and buildings. Find out what you can do to help make a difference!

March 01, 2006
Ontario's electricity plan requires provincial environmental assessment

January 06, 2006
Cheers erupt as Sumas 2 project officially dead

News Archive

What's new

Canada recently hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. It was the biggest and most important climate conference the world has seen since the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997. More than 10,000 delegates from more than 189 countries were there. Read more >>


November 22, 2005
A new report from the David Suzuki Foundation shows Canada needs to go far beyond its Kyoto targets if it is to meaningfully address climate change.
News release | Summary | Full report | Version francais

Go Carbon Neutral. Learn about the David Suzuki Foundation's carbon neutral program, and how you, too, can support the switch to renewable energy.

Learn more

Science: The scientific consensus is clear: human-caused climate change is happening.
Impacts: Wildlife, human health and economies worldwide are threatened by climate change. 
Kyoto Protocol: A crucial first step toward addressing climate change.

Energy: Learn more about clean, renewable energy, as well as conservation and efficiency.
Solutions: Learn about practical and cost-effective solutions to climate change.

What You Can Do: Simple changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference.

Publications: Download and read our latest reports on climate change, the Kyoto Protocol, and more.

Links: Additional resources on climate change and energy issues.



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