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Asian Development Bank - Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific
  Updated: Tuesday, 31 January 2006

Investing in Health and Nutrition for the Poor

Improving the health of the poor helps reduce the incidence and severity of poverty. Through its health sector policy and poverty strategy, ADB invests in various health and nutrition interventions across Asia and the Pacific.

Recent Health Updates:

See Also:

  • Health Sector website
    An overview of ADB's health programs, including responses to health issues such as HIV/AIDS and SARS.

previous articles


Country Assistance Program Evaluation: Indonesia

This country assistance program evaluation for Indonesia focuses on the responsiveness of ADB’s country strategy and program to the changes and challenges between 1990 and 2004. The report evaluates the performance of ADB operations in Indonesia and identifies key lessons learned for future programs.

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Management Speeches


Helping Rebuild Afghanistan

ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda on BBC's HardTalk

ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda discusses the assistance for Afghanistan and underlying challenges with BBC's Stephen Sackur on Hard Talk.

Video : High Bandwidth | Low Bandwidth | Audio Only



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