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S-A-01:2002 - 4.0 Quality System Requirements [revised 2005-01-10]

4.15 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery

4.15.1 General

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.15.2 Handling

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.15.3 Storage

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.15.4 Packaging

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.15.5 Preservation

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.15.6 Delivery *

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.16 Control of Quality Records

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

Measurement Canada requirements applicable to Weights and Measures

a) For organizations seeking to obtain accreditation pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations, quality records shall be made available, on request, to Measurement Canada representatives or those persons in the organization who require such information for the performance of their duties under this standard.

b) The retention period for records relating to accreditation shall be:

  • for inspection reports, certificates of inspection, and non-compliance reports, a minimum of three years;
  • for certificates of verification of test standards, the lesser of a period equivalent to three verification cycles or until the standard is withdrawn from service;
  • for policies and procedures, until superseded or revised;
  • for employee training records of persons involved in the inspection process or the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality system, the duration of such employment; and
  • for other records, 2 years.

c) Copies of the certificates of inspection shall be forwarded within a time frame and to a location specified by Measurement Canada.

Measurement Canada requirements applicable to Electricity and Gas

a) For organizations seeking to obtain accreditation pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations, quality records shall be kept as required by section 17 of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and as prescribed under, section 28 of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations.

b) The organization shall also maintain the following quality records for the prescribed periods:
  • where applicable, inspection reports other than certificates shall be kept for the life of the device if maintained by a device owner, or for 6 years if maintained by a service organization;
  • certificates of verification for measuring apparatus or test standards, for 6 years after certification date;
  • policies and procedures, until superseded or revised; and
  • training records for individuals directly involved in the inspection process or the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality system, the duration of employment.

c) Quality records shall be made available, on request, to Measurement Canada representatives or those persons in the organization who require such information for the performance of their duties under this standard.

4.17 Internal Quality Audits

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000
8.2.2, 8.2.3

ISO/IEC 17025:1999
4.10.5, 4.13

Measurement Canada requirements

The organization shall select and assign qualified auditors for each activity being audited.

Measurement Canada requirements applicable to Weights and Measures

Accredited organizations shall conduct internal audits of all their sites on an annual basis.

4.18 Training

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999
5.2, 5.3

Measurement Canada requirements applicable to Weights and Measures *

For the purposes of obtaining Measurement Canada accreditation to perform inspections pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations, the organization shall have at least one employee who has successfully completed the mandatory Measurement Canada training. The organization shall ensure that at least one person employed at each accredited site has successfully completed the appropriate training course or courses delivered by Measurement Canada.

All technicians shall be assessed theoretically and practically by Measurement Canada prior to being recognized. The organization shall ensure that selected technicians to be recognized to perform inspection activities intended to meet the requirements of this standard shall have the appropriate experience and training.

Where Measurement Canada advises the organization that regulatory or procedural changes have occurred, the organization shall ensure that at least one employee attends the refresher courses conducted by Measurement Canada and provides training on the changes to any other personnel who may be carrying out inspections or parts thereof that are affected by the changes. Appropriate records shall be maintained of the training provided to employees by Measurement Canada.

4.19 Servicing *

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000

ISO/IEC 17025:1999
4.7, 5.2.1, 5.10.5

Measurement Canada requirements

When servicing entails any activity that affects the accuracy of a measuring device, the organization shall perform the final inspection processes as per accepted documented procedures to ensure that the device continues to meet all legal requirements of the applicable act.


4.20.1 Identification of Need

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000
8.1, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.4

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

4.20.2 Procedures *

ISO 9002:1994

ISO 9001:2000
8.1, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.4

ISO/IEC 17025:1999

Measurement Canada requirements applicable to Electricity and Gas

Organizations that inspect devices through statistical sampling may use procedures that differ from those issued by Measurement Canada. These procedures shall be reviewed for adequacy and accepted by Measurement Canada prior to implementation.

Measurement Canada requirements applicable to Weights and Measures

In order to be certified for use in trade, each weighing and measuring device shall be inspected individually; sampling is not permitted. The entire evaluation and inspection procedure shall be performed prior to the issuance of a certificate showing the device meets the requirements of the Weights and Measures Act and the Regulations. The inspection of devices at the factory or any location other than the intended point of use is subject to the requirements found in the latest version of Bulletin M-23 on the inspection of scales that are affected by the differences in acceleration due to gravity.
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    Created: 2004-06-03
Updated: 2005-01-07
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