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Registration Program
Terms and Conditions - Section 2.0 to 2.5 [revised 2005-04-01]

Table of Contents

April 1st, 2005

2.0 Requirements for registered organizations

2.1 Conformance with requirements

Although Measurement Canada recognizes the benefits of organizations having a quality management system, the registration program does not require the implementation of such a system within the organization. Top management of the organization, however, shall take the necessary action to ensure that the program requirements are met as well as measures to ensure that the organization’s staff, including its recognized technicians, comply with program requirements, Measurement Canada directives, policies and procedures, the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations, and shall take the action(s) necessary to guarantee the said conformance.

2.2 Recognized technician*

Only recognized technicians are allowed to perform inspections on behalf of Measurement Canada under the organization’s defined scope.

Organizations are liable for the work performed by their recognized technicians under the registration program.

The organization shall ensure that criminal records checks are initiated and conducted regarding the technicians that will perform work on behalf of the organization in its capacity as a designated inspector for Measurement Canada. The organization shall ensure that a declaration regarding the existence of a criminal record be obtained and remitted to the President of Measurement Canada. Specifically, the person will be required to state whether he or she has been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted.

2.3 Technician training and competency

Registered organizations shall ensure that their recognized technicians:

  • have the appropriate knowledge, competency and training on the device(s) they intend to certify;
  • understand Measurement Canada requirements and apply them correctly; and
  • maintain the level of knowledge required by Measurement Canada.

Organizations must maintain up-to-date individual records of the training received by their recognized technicians and take the necessary action to ensure conformance in this regard.

If Measurement Canada determines, through follow-up inspections, that a recognized technician is not performing inspections in accordance with requirements and a lack of knowledge is identified, then the technician shall be required to undergo additional training and competency testing. Applicable fees will be charged.

2.4 Reference documents*

The registered organization shall provide recognized technicians with up-to-date versions of the following Measurement Canada documents:

Organizations must ensure that recognized technicians, including those who conduct inspections in the field, have direct access to these documents at all times and be able to provide evidence as such during a follow-up inspection or meeting, should Measurement Canada request it.

2.5 Physical Standards*

Registered organizations shall use and maintain in good condition standards that are traceable, accepted and certified within the time frames prescribed by Measurement Canada. A copy of a valid calibration certificate shall be retained by the organization and a copy shall be kept with the standard.

The number of standards submitted for calibration must be commensurate with the expected inspection workload of the organization and only those standards used to perform work on behalf of Measurement Canada will be certified by Measurement Canada.

Registered organizations shall provide clear instructions to all of their technicians requiring them to inspect the condition of standards and to ensure that Measurement Canada calibration certificates are valid.

Standards that are used by recognized technicians to inspect devices used in trade and that require particular attention must be monitored by the organization for accuracy at the frequency determined by Measurement Canada (e.g., ice point test performed on electronic thermometers) and records of results must be maintained.

Standards that are damaged, whose security seal is broken, or whose quality or accuracy are questionable, shall be taken out of service immediately upon the discovery of such. They must be repaired, re-calibrated and certified before being put back into service.

In the event that an organization owns standards that are not designated as local standards (cannot be used for device certification), these standards must be clearly identified to differentiate them from those standards that are used to certify devices.

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    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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