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Registration Program Guide
Section 3.0 to 4.0 [revised 2004-08-23]

Table of Contents

August 23, 2004

3.0 Requirements for recognized technicians

3.1 Prerequisites to recognition, technician training and evaluation

Measurement Canada will not evaluate or issue authorization to conduct inspection to technicians who are not employed by an organization that is registered or in the process of being registered.

Recognized technicians who leave a registered organization to work for another registered organization will be re-evaluated and recognized before their names and competencies are added to Appendix A of the new organization’s agreement. The scope of the evaluation will be at the discretion of Measurement Canada.

Technician training covers the following topics:

  • general knowledge of powers granted, of authorities, duties and responsibilities of authorized service providers and recognized technicians;
  • knowledge of relevant requirements of the Weights and Measures Act, the Weights and Measures Regulations, and applicable ministerial specifications;
  • knowledge of relevant Measurement Canada notices of approval and bulletins;
  • knowledge of relevant technical requirements and inspection procedures;
  • appropriate selection, protection and use of measurement standards; and
  • knowledge of completing, sending and retaining inspection certificates and reports and of the appropriate use of inspection stickers and seals.

The training is given through modules supplied by Measurement Canada.

Measurement Canada will evaluate all candidates through a theoretical examination, followed by an evaluation of work in the field. Candidates who achieve satisfactory results in the theoretical and field examinations will be officially recognized within the scope of the organization’s registration to inspect devices and issue certificates on behalf of Measurement Canada. A satisfactory result is defined as a pass mark of 70 percent for both theoretical and practical portions of the evaluation.

A trainee who fails the theoretical evaluation will be offered an opportunity to take a make up exam. The exam may be rewritten following a minimum 1 month delay from the previous exam and a maximum 6 month delay from the completion of the theoretical training. Should the trainee fail the make up exam, the trainee will have to repeat the training module. Training will not be offered to trainees who have failed a third attempt to pass the exam.

Practical evaluations must occur within 6 months of the theoretical evaluation. Practical evaluations are conducted based on a Device Complexity Table.

A trainee who fails the practical evaluation will be offered an opportunity to take a make up practical evaluation. Should the trainee fail the make up practical evaluation, the trainee will have to repeat the training module and theoretical evaluation. If a trainee fails a subsequent practical evaluation, he/she will not be qualified as a recognized technician by Measurement Canada.

Measurement Canada will issue a letter to candidates who have achieved satisfactory results in the theoretical and field examinations recognizing their competency and authorizing them to inspect the types of devices designated on behalf of the organization for which they are employed. At any time and for valid reasons, Measurement Canada may suspend or withdraw a recognized technician’s authority to inspect and certify devices.

3.2 Maintenance of authorization to conduct inspections

The monitoring of recognized technicians will be performed at least once per 12 month period through follow-up inspections on device types they are authorized to certify to ensure that they maintain the required knowledge and competency.

The device types will be selected based on a complexity table (example: meters with/without Automatic Temperature Compensation will require follow up inspection on meter with Automatic Temperature Compensation only).

Note: For technicians who are recognized for more than one device type, at least one of the follow up inspections must be done in the presence of the technician. For technicians recognized for only one device type, the follow up inspection conducted in his/her presence must be done at least once every two years. See section 1.10 of this document for more details.

If Measurement Canada has accepted a new test procedure proposed by an organization, the follow-up inspection conducted in the presence of the recognized technician can be done with the new test procedure or with Measurement Canada’s test procedure at the choice of the recognized technician. If the follow-up inspection is not performed in the presence of the recognized technician, the Measurement Canada test procedure applies.

3.3 Reference documents

No additional guidance provided in this section.

3.4 Use of physical standards

No additional guidance provided in this section.

3.5 Inspection and certification

Registered organizations are not required to certify devices on behalf of Measurement Canada in all circumstances. They may choose to certify devices only upon the request of the owner or person in possession of the device at the time the service is provided.

More than one device may be listed on the same inspection certificate, but only one may be establishment per inspection certificate.

A complete inspection is not required when issuing a rejection certificate for a device that does not meet the requirements.

The inspection of devices at the factory or any location other than the intended point of use may be subject to supplementary requirements, e.g., those found in Bulletins M-23 and V-4.

3.6 Reports and certificates

Appendices and the Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate Completion Manual provide all necessary details.

It is expected that in 2005, the inspection certificate will be modified as well as the way the inspection data will have to be submitted. Measurement Canada will likely add a field to the inspection certificate to allow the capturing of the as found error (before adjustment) and will require authorized service providers to submit inspection data electronically. Measurement Canada will communicate in advance more detail regarding these changes.

4.0 Responsibilities of Measurement Canada

For registered organizations and recognized technicians, the main contact at Measurement Canada is the local district office. When required, they will be referred to the appropriate resource people (Technical Specialists, Laboratory, etc.).

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    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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