Welcome to the In-Terre-Actif Network

A network without borders for the young citizens of tomorrow




The In-Terre-Actif network is an educational tool permitting youth to become informed about current world issues, and to play a part in  international solidarity.


The French version of this site has existed since 1996, but the English version only came on-line in 2005, and will be enhanced with time. This version is in its beginning stages, and as such, its contents are more limited than the French version, which has grown considerably since its debut.


This is a network for the exchange of information, for taking action and becoming involved, and to take part in games and the free exchange of ideas favouring sustainable development and a fair and friendly world.


The In-Terre-Actif network also serves as an educational tool for teachers, from third grade to high-school. It offers teaching materials on themes directly or indirectly related to active citizenship and international solidarity.


Please don’t hesitate to browse this educational site:

  • Explore various educational activities and teaching materials
  • Take part in proposed projects in solidarity with others
  • Consult our library of references and articles
  • Enrich our site by sending us your articles, poems, drawings, and activities so that we can share our efforts to create a better world

Don't forget to send us your comments!

  > Welcome to the In-Te...