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Table of Contents




Chapter 1 - Introduction


Chapter 2 - Basic Labelling requirements


Chapter 3 - Advertising Requirements


Chapter 4 - Composition, Quality, Quantity & Origin Claims


Chapter 5 - Nutrition Labelling


Chapter 6 - The Elements Within the Nutrition Facts Table


Chapter 7 - Nutrient Content Claims


Chapter 8 - Diet-Related Health Claims


Chapter 9 - Supplementary Information on Specific Products


Chapter 10 - Guide to the Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages


Chapter 11 - Labelling Guide for Processed Fruits and Vegetables


Chapter 12 - Guide to the Labelling of Honey


Chapter 13 - Guide to the Labelling of Maple Products


Chapter 14 - Meat and Poultry Products


Chapter 15 - Fish and Fish Products


bullet Contacts

Food > Labelling > Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising > Chapter 7 

Chapter 7: Sections 7.1-7.13 | Sections 7.14-7.18 | Section 7.19-7.25 | Annexes

7.14  Energy and Calorie Claims

This section deals with implied and explicit energy claims. See Table 7-3,Summary Table of Energy and Calorie Claims, for the permitted nutrient content claims.

7.14.1 Changes to the Food and Drug Regulations

The revised FDR introduced several changes.

  • The claim, "More Energy" is now permitted. See item f) in Table 7-3, Summary Table of Energy and Calorie Claims.

  • Foods for special dietary use can be labelled as "diet" or "dietetic" if they meet the criteria for, and are labelled with, one of the following claims: "free of energy", "low in energy", "reduced in energy" and "lower in energy". See items a) through d) in Table 7-3, Summary Table of Energy and Calorie Claims.

  • The use of "Light" in nutrient content claims is now restricted to foods that meet either the "reduced in energy" claim (see item c) in Table 7-3 below) or the "reduced in fat" claim found in Table 7-5, Summary Table of Fat Claims.

7.14.2 Superlative Claims for Energy

Consuming a diet high in Calories does not guarantee that one will have lots of "pep" and "energy". Many factors, including the state of a person's health and physical fitness, impact upon how effectively and efficiently the muscles use the energy. The popular concept of "energy" in the sense of being energetic, having pep, vigour, strength, endurance, etc., is not directly related to specific foods in the diet.

The text accompanying claims such as "source of energy" and "contains more calories" (and synonymous claims) must not mislead the buyer. The following types of claims are considered misleading and must not be used.

  • a claim that a food provides "instant" pep, vitality, vigour, power or strength;

  • a claim that a food provides all the food energy necessary to carry one through certain physical activities or recovery from these;

  • a claim that a food provides all the energy necessary to carry one through until the next meal; or

  • a claim that a food, consisting mainly of carbohydrates, provides food energy which lasts over many hours of hard work or play.

Summary Table of Energy and Calorie Claims
Table 7-3

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the FDR (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1


Column 2

Conditions - Food

Column 3

Conditions - Label or Advertisement



a) Free of energy

"free of energy"
"no energy"
"0 energy"
"zero energy"
"without energy"
"contains no energy"

"free of Calories"
"no Calories"
"0 Calories"
"zero Calories"
"without Calories"
"contains no Calories"

The food provides less than 5 Calories or 21 kilojoules per reference amount and serving of stated size.

Must comply with general requirements for nutrient content claims - see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by FDR B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide

B.01.401(3) (e)(ii)

Table following B.01.513, item 1

b) Low in energy

"low energy"
"low in energy "
"low source of energy"
"little energy"
"low Calorie"
"low in Calories"
"low source of Calories"
"contains only (number) Calories per serving"
"contains less than (number) Calories per (size) serving"
"few Calories"

The food provides:

(a) 40 Calories or 167 kilojoules or less per reference amount and serving of stated size and, if the reference amount is 30 g or 30 mL or less, per 50 g; or

(b) 120 Calories or 500 kilojoules or less per 100 g, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 2
c) Reduced in Energy

"reduced in energy"
"reduced energy"
"less energy"
"lower energy"
"lower in energy"
"reduced Calorie"
"reduced in Calories"
"less Calories"
"lower Calories"
"lower in Calories"
"fewer Calories"

(1) The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified so that it provides at least 25% less energy

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of item b) above for "low in energy"

The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food;

(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in energy value with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in Calories per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 3
d) Lower in Energy

"lower in energy"
"less energy"
"lower energy"

"less Calories"
"lower Calorie"
"lower in Calories"
"fewer Calories"

(1) The food provides at least 25% less energy

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of the reference food of the same food group; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The reference food of the same food group does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of item b) above for "low in energy".

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group;

(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in energy value with the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in Calories per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 4
e) Source of Energy

"source of energy"
"contains energy"
"provides energy"
"source of Calories"
"contains Calories"
"provides Calories"

The food provides at least 100 Calories or 420 kilojoules per reference amount and serving of stated size. See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 5
f) More Energy

"more Calories"
"contains more Calories"
"higher Calories"
"higher in Calories"

The food provides at least 25% more energy, totalling at least 100 more Calories or 420 more kilojoules

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food;

(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in energy value compared to the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food, expressed as a percentage or fraction or in Calories per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 6
g) Light in Energy


The food meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "reduced in energy" (item (c) of this table) The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food(see note at the end of this table);

(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and

(c) the difference in energy value with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in Calories or grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table to B.01.503, item 45
h) Representation that the food is for use in "energy-reduced" diet with respect to the energy value only of a food The food meets the conditions set out for one of the following claims:

"free of energy" (item a of this table),
"low in energy" (item b of this table),
"reduced in energy" (Item c of this table),
"lower in energy" (item d of this table)

Claim or statement is made in accordance with columns 1 and 3 for items a), b), c) or d) of this table. B.01.507
i) Representation that the food is for "special dietary use" with respect to the energy value of the food One of the following claims must be made on the label of the product and the conditions for that claim must be respected:

"free of energy" (item a of this table),
"low in energy" (item b of this table)

Claim or statement is made in accordance with columns 1 and 3 for items a), b), c) or d) of this table. B.24.003 (1.1)
j) Foods represented as "dietetic" or "diet" with respect to the energy content of the food, including when used in a trade-mark. Reserved for foods for special dietary use as regulated by B.24.003.In order to label, package, sell or advertise a food as "dietetic" or "diet", or use those words in the brand name, one of the following must be on the label and the conditions for that claim must be met:

"free of energy" (item a above),
"low in energy" (item b above), "reduced in energy" (Item c above),
"lower in energy" (item d above)

Claim or statement is made in accordance with columns 1 and 3 for items a), b), c) or d) of this table. B.24.003(4)

† The similar reference food for foods with a light in energy claim, shall have a nutrient value that is representative of foods of that type that have not been processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified in a manner that increases the energy value or the amount of fat [B.01.500.(2)].

7.15 Protein Claims

7.15.1 Representations about Proteins and Amino Acids

Only the claims which are listed below in Table 7-4, Summary Table of Protein Claims, are permitted [B.01.305].

A statement with respect to proteins and amino acids is permitted provided a Reasonable Daily Intake (RDI) of the food has a protein rating of 20 or more. See 6.3.1 of this Guide for Reasonable Daily Intakes (Schedule K of the FDR).

A statement with respect to amino acids, collectively or by name, and quantitative declarations of amino acid content of a food may be made provided the label or the advertisement includes a declaration of the amount of the following essential amino acids contained in the food: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

The declaration must

  • be expressed in grams per serving of stated size,
  • appear in a location on the label other than in the Nutrition Facts table, and
  • be presented in both English and French unless otherwise exempted.

Claims such as "source of amino acids", "source of (naming the amino acid)" or "source of essential amino acids" are no longer permitted under the new nutrition labelling regulations.

The above requirements respecting representations about protein or amino acids [B.01.305 (1) and (2)], whether expressed or implied, do not apply to the following [B.01.305 (3)(a) to (k)]:

a) a formulated liquid diet, a human milk substitute or a food represented as containing a human milk substitute;
b) foods represented for use in gluten-free diets, protein-restricted diets and low (naming the amino acid) diets;
c) the word "protein" when it is used as part of the common name of an ingredient in the list of ingredients;
d) the declaration of amino acids in a list of ingredients;
e) common names (such as hydrolysed soya protein), which are set out in column 2 of items 7 to 9 of the table to B.01.010(3)(a), when shown in the list of ingredients;
f) the common name of single amino acid preparations that may be sold as foods;
g) statements to the effect that aspartame contains phenylalanine (as required by B.01.014(c) and B.01.015(1)(b));
h) a statement or claim set out in column 4 of the table following B.01.513 respecting the subject "low in protein" set out in column 1 of item 7;
i) a statement of the amount of protein in the Nutrition Facts table;
j) a statement of the protein content of foods mentioned in the following sections of the FDR:
  • formulated liquid diet [B.24.103(c)] ,
  • meal replacement, nutritional supplement [B.24.202(a)(ii)],
  • food for use in a very low energy diet [B.24.304(b)], or
  • food represented as containing a human milk substitute [B.25.057(1)(a) or B.25.057(2)(c)(i) or (d)(i)] ; or
k) a statement that a food is not a source of protein.

7.15.2  Other Permitted References to Protein

The Percent (%) Meat Protein declaration is required as part of the common name for meat and poultry meat with added phosphate salts and/or water [B.01.090(2)]. This declaration is a permitted protein declaration [B.01.502.(2)(a)]. However, the presence of this declaration triggers the Nutrition Facts table on foods otherwise exempt [B.01.401(2)(b)], such as a food sold only in the retail establishment where the product is prepared and processed from its ingredients [B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)].

Summary Table of Protein Claims
Table 7-4

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the Food and Drug Regulations (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3
Label or Advertisement


a) Low in protein

"low in protein"
"low protein"
"low source of protein"
"contains only (number) g of protein per serving"
"contains less than (number) g of protein per serving"

The food contains no more than 1 g of protein per 100 g of the food.

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims - see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by FDR B.01.401(2)(a) and (b), [B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)]

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide

Table following B.01.513, item 7
b) Source of protein

"source of protein"
"contains protein"
"good source of protein"
"high protein"
"high in protein"
"provides protein"

Note: Permitted on foods for children under two [B.01.503.(2)]

The food has a protein rating of 20 or more, as determined by official method FO-1, Determination of Protein Rating, October 15, 1981,

(a) per reasonable daily intake (see Schedule K, FDR)*, or

(b) per 30 g of breakfast cereal combined with 125 mL of milk, if the food is a breakfast cereal

See conditions set out for item a) of this table Table following B.01.513, item 8
c) Excellent source of protein

"excellent source of protein"
"very high protein"
"very high in protein" or
"rich in protein"

Note: Permitted on foods for children under two [B.01.503.(2)]

The food has a protein rating of 40 or more, as determined by official method FO-1, Determination of Protein Rating, October 15, 1981,

(a) per reasonable daily intake (see Schedule K, FDR)*, or

(b) per 30 g of breakfast cereal combined with 125 mL of milk, if the food is a breakfast cereal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 9
d) More protein

"more protein"
"higher protein"
"higher in protein"

The food

(a) has a protein rating of 20 or more, as determined by official method FO-1, Determination of Protein Rating, October 15, 1981,
(i) per reasonable daily intake (see Schedule K, FDR)*, or
(ii) per 30 g of breakfast cereal combined with 125 mL of milk, if the food is a breakfast cereal;

(b) contains at least 25% more protein, totalling at least 7 g more, per reasonable daily intake* than a reference food of the same food group or a similar reference food.

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food;
(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in protein with the reference food of the same food group or the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 10

*See 6.3.1 of this Guide for the reasonable daily intakes.

7.16  Fat Claims

7.16.1 Permitted Claims for Fat

Criteria for fat claims follow in Table 7-5 of this Guide, Summary Table of Fat Claims.

The 2002 revisions to the FDR incorporate several changes for fat claims, as described below:

Under the former regulations,
B.01.306 prohibited references
to individual fatty acids.
A statement made about omega-3,
omega-6 or other named fatty acids,
triggers the new regulations,
including a Nutrition Facts table.
  • The claims "100% fat-free", "x% fat-free", "trans fat", and "source of omega-3 (omega-6) polyunsaturates" are now permitted (see details in the tables below). Companies choosing to make such claims are required to fully comply with all requirements of the new FDR, including the requirement to include a Nutrition Facts table, as outlined in Chapter 5 of this Guide.

  • Nutrient content claims for monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acid are no longer permitted. However, quantitative statements (see 7.5 of this Guide) are permitted for classes of fatty acids
    [B.01.402(3)(a)] and for individually named fatty acids [B.01.402(3)(b)].

    Note that these claims may trigger additional declarations in the Nutrition Facts table. For example, a statement that a food contains "0.2 g DHA per 250 mL serving" would trigger a declaration of the amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids (as DHA is an individually named omega-3 fatty acid).

  • The use of the term "Light" in nutrient content claims is now restricted to foods that meet either the "reduced in energy" claim (see item c) in Table 7-3 above) or "reduced in fat" claim (see item h) in Table 7-5 below).

Further details are provided in the sections on each of the permitted fatty acid claims, (e.g., see 7.17 of this Guide for saturated fatty acid claims, 7.18 for trans fatty acid claims and 7.19 for omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid claims).

The following references are also permitted:

  • common names prescribed by the FDR, for example, "skim milk" and "low fat cocoa";
  • the percent milk fat or butter fat declaration on dairy products;
  • the words "extra-lean ground (naming the species)", "lean ground (naming the species)", "medium ground (naming the species)", and "regular ground (naming the species)";
  • the representation "defatted (naming the food)" (e.g., "defatted cocoa" or "defatted soybeans");
  • representations that characterize the amount of a fatty acid in a vegetable oil, when the name of the fatty acid forms part of the oil’s common name (e.g., "high oleic sunflower oil" or "low linolenic flaxseed oil"); and
  • the English representation "lean" with respect to a prepackaged meal represented for use in a weight-reduction diet or a weight-management diet.

Summary Table of Fat Claims
Table 7-5

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the Food and Drug Regulations (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Free of fat

"free of fat"
"no fat"
"0 fat"
"zero fat"
"without fat"
"contains no fat"

The food contains:

(a) less than 0.5 g of fat per reference amount and serving of stated size; or

(b) less than 0.5 g of fat per serving of stated size, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims – see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements – see 7.11 of this Guide

B.01.401(3) (e)(ii)

Table following B.01.513, item 11

b) Low in fat

"low in fat"
"low fat"
"low source of fat"
"little fat"
"contains only (number) g of fat per serving"
"contains less than (number) g of fat per serving"

The food contains:

(a) 3 g or less of fat per reference amount and serving of stated size and, if the reference amount is 30 g or 30 mL or less, per 50 g; or

(b) 3 g or less of fat per 100 g and 30% or less of the energy is from fat, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 12
c) Reduced in fat

"reduced in fat"
"reduced fat"
"less fat"
"lower fat"
"lower in fat"

(1) The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified so that it contains at least 25% less fat

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in fat" (item (b) of this table).

The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food;
(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in fat with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 13
d) Lower in fat

"lower in fat"
"lower fat"
"less fat"

(1) The food contains at least 25% less fat

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group; or
(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The reference food of the same food group does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in fat" (item (b) of this table).

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group;
(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in fat with the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 14
e) 100% fat free

"100% fat-free"
"100% free of fat"

The food

(a) contains less than 0.5 g of fat per 100 g;
(b) contains no added fat; and
(c) meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "free of fat" (item (a) of this table).

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 15
f) (Percentage) fat-free

"(percentage) fat-free"
"(percentage) free of fat"

The food meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in fat" (item (b) of this table).

One of the following statements or claims is stated: "low fat" or "low in fat".

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 16
g) No added fat

"no fat added"
"no added fat"
"without added fat"

(1) The food contains no added fats or oils set out in Division 9, FDR, or added butter or ghee, or ingredients that contain added fats or oils, or butter or ghee.

(2) The similar reference food contains added fats or oils set out in Division 9, FDR, or added butter or ghee.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 17
h) Light in fat


The food meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "reduced in fat" (item (c) of this table). The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food (see note at the end of the table);
(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in fat value with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in Calories or grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 45
i) Lean


The food

(a) is meat or poultry that has not been ground, marine or fresh water animals or a product of any of these; and

(b) contains 10% or less fat.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 46
j) Extra Lean

"extra lean"

The food

(a) is meat or poultry that has not been ground, marine or fresh water animals or a product of any of these; and

(b) contains 7.5% or less fat.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 47

† The similar reference food for foods with a "light in fat" claim, shall have a nutrient value that is representative of foods of that type that have not been processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified in a manner that increases the energy value or the amount of fat [B.01.500.(2)].

7.17  Saturated Fatty Acid Claims

The conditions for saturated fatty acid claims are now linked with the trans fatty acid content of the food.

Summary Table of Saturated Fatty Acid Claims
Table 7-6

Note: The claims made in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the Food and Drug Regulations (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Free of saturated fatty acids

"free of saturated fatty acids"
"saturated fatty acids-free"
"no saturated fatty acids"
"0 saturated fatty acids"
"zero saturated fatty acids"
"without saturated fatty acids"

Note: "saturated fatty acids" may be substituted with "saturated fat" or "saturates" in the above claims

The food contains:

(a) less than 0.2 g saturated fatty acids and less than 0.2 g trans fatty acids per reference amount and serving of stated size; or

(b) less than 0.2 g saturated fatty acids and less than 0.2 g trans fatty acids per serving of stated size, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

Must comply with general requirements for nutrient content claims – see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b)

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements – see 7.11 of this Guide

B.01.401(3) (e)(ii)

Table following B.01.513, item 18

b) Low in saturated fatty acids

"low in saturated fatty acids"
"low saturated fatty acids"
"low source of saturated fatty acids"
"little saturated fatty acids"
"contains only (number) g of saturated fatty acids per serving"
"contains less than (number) g of saturated fatty acids per serving"

Note: "saturated fatty acids" may be substituted with "saturated fat" or "saturates" in the above claims

(1) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids combined per

(a) reference amount and serving of stated size; or

(b) 100 g, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The food provides 15% or less energy from the sum of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids.

See conditions set out for item a) of this table. Table following B.01.513, item 19
c) Reduced in saturated fatty acids

"reduced in saturated fatty acids"
"reduced saturated fatty acids"
"saturated fatty acids-reduced"
"less saturated fatty acids"
"lower saturated fatty acids"
"lower in saturated fatty acids"

Note: "saturated fatty acids" may be substituted with "saturated fat" or "saturates" in the above claims

"fewer saturated fatty acids"
"fewer saturates"

(1) The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified, without increasing the content of trans fatty acids, so that it contains 25% less saturated fatty acids

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of this table).

The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food;
(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in saturated fatty acids with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 20
d) Lower in saturated fatty acids

"less saturated fatty acids"
"lower saturated fatty acids"
"lower in saturated fatty acids"
"fewer saturated fatty acids"

"less saturated fat"
"lower saturated fat"
"lower in saturated fat"

"less saturates"
"lower saturates"
"lower in saturates"
"fewer saturates

(1) The food contains at least 25% less saturated fatty acids and the content of trans fatty acids is not higher

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The reference food of the same food group does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of this table).

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group;
(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in saturated fatty acids with the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 21

7.18 Trans Fatty Acid Claims

Due to the adverse effects that trans fatty acids have on heart disease, the amended regulations allow claims on the content of these fatty acids in foods. Note that claims for trans fatty acids are linked with requirements for the saturated fatty acids content of foods.

If these new claims for trans fatty acids are made, the label of that food must comply with all of the requirements of the new regulations and must include a Nutrition Facts table [Section 38 of the amending Regulations].

Note: Only the claims listed in the table below are permitted. Claims such as "Low in trans" are not permitted.

Summary Table of Trans Fatty Acid Claims
Table 7-7

Note: The claims in quotation marks in column 1 are those which are permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. The reference amounts are found in Part D, Schedule M of the Food and Drug Regulations (see 6.2.1 of this Guide).

Column 1

Column 2
Conditions - Food

Column 3
Conditions - Label or Advertisement

FDR Reference

a) Free of trans fatty acids

"free of trans fatty acids"
"trans fatty acids-free"
"no trans fatty acids"
"0 trans fatty acids"
"zero trans fatty acids"
"without trans fatty acids"

Note: "trans fatty acids" may be substituted with "trans fat" or "trans" in the above claims

"contains no trans fatty acids"
"contains no trans fat"

The food

(a) contains less than 0.2 g of trans fatty acids per

(i) reference amount and serving of stated size, or

(ii) serving of stated size, if the food is a prepackaged meal; and

(b) meets the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 in this chapter).

Must comply with the general requirements for nutrient content claims - see 7.5 of this Guide

Nutrition Facts table required on products otherwise exempted by B.01.401(2)(a) and (b), [B.01.401(3)(e)(ii)]

When used in an advertisement, must comply with the requirements for advertisements - see 7.11 of this Guide

Table following B.01.513, item 22
b) Reduced in trans fatty acids

"reduced in trans fatty acids"
"reduced trans fatty acids"
"trans fatty acids-reduced"

Note: "trans fatty acids" may be substituted with "trans fat" or "trans" in the above claims

"less trans fatty acids"
"less trans fat"
"lower trans fatty acids"
"lower trans fat"
"lower in trans fatty acids"
"lower in trans fat"
"fewer trans fatty acids"

(1) The food is processed, formulated, reformulated or otherwise modified, without increasing the content of saturated fatty acids, so that it contains at least 25% less trans fatty acids

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a similar reference food; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a similar reference food, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The similar reference food does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 in this chapter).

The following are identified:

(a) the similar reference food;
(b) the amounts of the food and the similar reference food being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in trans fatty acids with the similar reference food, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 and 7.11 of this Guide definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 23
c) Lower in trans fatty acids

"lower in trans fatty acids"
"lower trans fatty acids"
"less trans fatty acids"

Note: "trans fatty acids" may be substituted with "trans fat" or "trans" in the above claims

"fewer trans fatty acids"

(1) The food contains at least 25% less trans fatty acids and the content of saturated fatty acids is not higher

(a) per reference amount of the food, than the reference amount of a reference food of the same food group; or

(b) per 100 g, than 100 g of a reference food of the same food group, if the food is a prepackaged meal.

(2) The reference food of the same food group does not meet the conditions set out in column 2 of the subject "low in saturated fatty acids" (item (b) of Table 7-6 of this Guide).

The following are identified:

(a) the reference food of the same food group;
(b) the amounts of the food and the reference food of the same food group being compared, if those amounts are not equal; and
(c) the difference in trans fatty acids compared to the reference food of the same food group, expressed by percentage or fraction or in grams per serving of stated size.

(See 7.9 of this Guide for definitions and location of required labelling and advertising information.)

See conditions set out for item a) of this table.

Table following B.01.513, item 24

Chapter 7: Sections 7.1-7.13 | Sections 7.14-7.18 | Section 7.19-7.25 | Annexes

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