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Education, Citizenship and Youth
Advanced Education and Literacy

Notice and Disclaimers

NOTICE: The mission of Manitoba Education and Youth (MEC&Y) and Advanced Education and Literacy (AE&L) is to provide relevant education that is of high quality, affordable, available, and responsive. Our goal is to enable Manitobans to develop their individual potential and contribute to the economic, social and cultural life of Manitoba in a global context. To this end, MEC&Y and AE&L maintain this website to serve the educational needs of Manitobans, including teachers, administrators, parents, students, businesses, and other educational partners in Manitoba. This website and the pages to which it is linked provide information about various educational programs, services, and publications. Information from this website resides on computer servers administered by the Manitoba Education Research and Learning Information Networks (MERLIN). To enhance service, information about the activity on the website will be gathered.

DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY, HTML COMPATIBILITY, or ENDORSEMENT: While care has been taken in preparing and assembling the information, materials, and documents available from this website, MEC&Y, AE&L, the Government of Manitoba, and MERLIN make no representations, and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy completeness, currency or usefulness of any of the information, materials or documents and cannot be held responsible or liable for any errors, oversights, omissions or inaccuracies or for any harm or damage which flows from use or reliance.

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Links to parties outside MEC&Y and AE&L are provided solely for the convenience of website users and do not constitute an endorsement of those parties or of their goods or services, and does not constitute any representation as to the accuracy, completeness, currency or usefulness of the information supplied by them. MEC&Y, AE&L, the Government of Manitoba, and MERLIN assume no responsibility or liability for acts, omissions, errors, or inaccuracies by off-site parties or for the information or materials supplied by them.


Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The Government of Manitoba, represented by the Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth and the Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy.

The Government of Manitoba, represented by the Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth the Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy hereby grants the following permission:

"Any user of this website may, without charge or request for further permission, reproduce and distribute the Information or portions of it, for non-profit educational purposes only, provided that Manitoba Education, Citizenship and/or Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy are acknowledged as the source on all reproductions and copies of the Information, and all reproductions and copies contain the above Disclaimer and Copyright Notice."

Reproduction for any other purpose, by any means and in any media, is prohibited; specific permission for reproduction for other purposes must be obtained the Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and/or Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy by contacting

Manitoba, Education, Citizenship and Youth
Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy

Care has been taken to provide proper acknowledgement of original sources and to comply with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done please notify

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