Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
A - Z Index

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy (see also Marshall)

About Us

Access to Information and Privacy Secretariat (ATIP)

Acts, Orders and Regulations

Alberta (see Central and Arctic Region)


Aquatic Animal Health

Aquatic Life and Fish Species

Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review

Atlantic Cod  (see Underwater World)

Atlantic Groundfish  (see Underwater World)

Atlantic Halibut  (see Underwater World)

Atlantic Recreational Fishing Licence Program (Groundfish)

Audit and Evaluation Reports - Audit and Evaluation Directorate

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Bedford Institute of Oceanography (see Research Facilities)

Beluga (see Underwater World)

Big Blue Blus - Kids' Corner


Bioterrorism (See Trade Policy)

Boating Safety

British Columbia (see Pacific Region)


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The Caddy Report

Canada's Ocean Strategy

Canadian Coast Guard

Canadian Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing Operations

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Canadian Hydrographic Service

Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS)

Canada Shipping Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Canadian Waters

Central and Arctic Region

Climate Change (Government of Canada portal)

Coastal Fisheries Protection Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Coast Guard - (see Canadian Coast Guard )

Cod (see Underwater World)

Commercial Fishing Licence Policy

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC),

Conservation & Sustainable Resource Use

Contact DFO

Cottage Life

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Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Departmental Performance Reports

Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses

Disclosure of Contracts

Disclosure of Position Reclassifications

Dockside Monitoring

Environmental Process Modernization Plan (see Canadians Waters)

Environmental Science

Experimental Lakes Area

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Fast Facts - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Ferry Cable Regulations (see Navigable Waters Protection Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Financial Administration Act (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fish (see Underwater World)

Fish Habitat Management

Fish Health Protection Regulations (see Fisheries Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fish Inspection Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fish species and other aquatic life (see Underwater World)

Fish Toxicant Regulations  (see Fisheries Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fisheries Management

Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (FRCC)

Fish & Seafood Online - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Fish, Seafood and Production Division - Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Fisheries Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fisheries Development Act (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fisheries Improvement Loans Act (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fisheries Prices Support Act (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fisheries Research

Fisheries Statistics

Fishery (General) Regulations (see Fisheries Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fishery Officer Career Information

Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Fishing Zones  (see Oceans Act under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Foreign Fishing (see Standing Committee Reports)

Foreign Vessel Fishing Regulations (see Fisheries Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Frequently Asked Questions

Fun Zone

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Government On-Line Reports

Governments of Provinces and Territories

Groundfish - Atlantic Groundfish (see Underwater World)

Gulf Region

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Halibut - Atlantic Halibut (see Underwater World)

Harp Seal (see Underwater World)

Hospitality Expenses (see Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses)


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Icebreaking Program

In Focus

Information to Media

Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC)

Institute of Ocean Sciences (see Research Facilities)

Integrated Management

Integrated Risk Management

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Korea - Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement Negotiations (See Trade Policy)

Law of the Sea - UNCLOS (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade)

Leaming for a Sustainable Future (LSF)

Leatherback Turtle (see Underwater World)


The Lien Report

Lights and Light stations

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Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations  (see Fisheries Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)


Manitoba (see Central and Arctic)


Marine Communications and Traffic Services

Marine Environmental Quality (See Canadian Waters)

Marine Environmental Data Services (MEDS)

Marine Navigation Services Fee

Marine Protected Areas

Marine Services Fees

Marine Services On-Line

Marine Safety & Environmental Protection

Maritimes Region


Maurice Lamontagne Institute (see Research Facilities)

Media Room



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Nautical Charts

Navigable Waters Protection Program

Navigable Waters Bridges Regulations (see Navigable Waters Protection Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Navigable Waters Protection Act  (see Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Navigable Waters Works Regulations (see Navigable Waters Protection Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

New Brunswick (see Maritimes Region and Gulf Region)

Newfoundland and Labrador Region

News Releases

Northern Shrimp (see Underwater World)

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)

Northwest Territories (see Central and Arctic Region)

Notice to Mariners (NOTMAR)

Nova Scotia (see Maritimes Region and Gulf Region)

Nunavut (see Central and Arctic Region)

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Oceans (Government of Canada portal)

Oceans Act (see under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Oceans Day

Oceans Management (see Canadians Waters)

Ontario (see Central and Arctic Region)

Operational Statements (see Canadians Waters)

Operator Competency Requirements

Orders (see under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Organizational Structure


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Pacific Region

Pacific salmon (see Underwater World)

Parliamentary Secretary

Plans and Priorities

Prince Edward Island (see Maritimes Region and Gulf Region

Public Opinion Research / Focus Group

Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations (see Fisheries Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Québec Region

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Recipes and Culinary Techniques

Recreational Fisheries Awards

Recreational Fisheries in Canada - An Operational Policy Framework


Reports and Publications

Reports on Plans and Priorites (see also Plans and Priorities)

Research Facilities

Responsible Fishing in Canada

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St. Andrews Biological Station (see Research Facilities)

St. Lawrence Observatory (see Research Facilities)

Safe Boating Guide


Saskatchewan (see Central and Arctic Region)



Search and Rescue


Site Map

Small Craft Harbours

Small Vessel Regulations (see Canada Shipping Act  under Acts, Orders and Regulations)

Species (see Underwater World)

Species at Risk

Sportfishing Canada

Standing Committee Reports and Government Responses



Stock Status Reports

The Surette Report

Sustainable Development

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Tides, Currents and Water Levels

Trade Policy

Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement Negotiations

Travel and Hospitality Expenses (see Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses)

Turtle - Leatherback Turtle  (see Underwater World)

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United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

Underwater World

United States Bioterrorism / Country of Origin Labeling (See Trade Policy)

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Vessel Replacement Rules and Procedures on the Atlantic Coast   

Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations (see Canada Shipping Act under Acts, Orders and Regulations)


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Waves - DFO Libraries' catalogue

Wild Atlantic Salmon Conservation Policy (See Salmon)

What's New

Whales - Beluga (see Underwater World)

Working in or Around Water (See Canadian Waters)

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Youth Internships Program

Yukon Territory (see Pacific Region


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Last updated: 2006-03-20

Important Notices