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Team Canada INC Partners and Federal Organizations

Team Canada Inc

Team Canada Inc, a virtual network relying on the co-operation of all levels of government, works to help Canadian businesses succeed in world markets. This single window for Canadian business vastly simplifies access to everything from training and financing programs for the new exporters, to on-the-ground support in foreign markets for more experienced Canadian businesses.

Team Canada Inc is your first stop en route to the information, counselling, market intelligence, financial assistance and on-the-ground support you need to make your export venture a successful one.

Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade (DFAIT)

DFAIT is the lead federal government department working on behalf of Canadian businesses that are interested or involved in international trade and investment. The Department has negotiated international trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) and the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA), and is actively pursuing other agreements, including the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). As well, it is a member of a number of global trade groups such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS)

Since 1894, the TCS has been helping Canadian companies succeed in foreign markets by promoting the economic interests of Canada in the global marketplace. Over 300 trade commissioners work in over 100 locations around the world. They have the expertise in foreign market access, international business contracts, exporting, foreign business leads, investment in Canada, licensing, joint ventures and technology transfer.

Program for Export Market Development (PEMD)

PEMD offers financial assistance on a matching basis to trade or industry associations to develop export markets through such activities as trade show participation, industry Web sites and promotional videos.

The PEMD-Investment Program (PEMD-I) is designed to assist Canadian communities in attracting foreign investment. The program commits $5 million annually for public-private partnerships at the local level, with the federal government contributing up to 50 per cent of the cost of individual initiatives in such areas as training, database development, research and production of marketing material, among others.

World Information Network for Exports (WIN Exports)

WIN Exports is the federal government's computerized database used by Canadian trade officers to match foreign needs to Canadian company capabilities.

International Business Opportunities Centre (IBOC)

IBOC works with Canada's trade commissioners abroad to connect Canadian companies with business opportunities worldwide. As the sourcing agent for Team Canada Inc, IBOC co-operates closely with various government organizations and agencies such as the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Industry Canada, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

New Exporters to Border States (NEBS)

The NEBS program provides Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with first-hand exporting experience through participation in either a NEBS or NEBS Plus mission to a U.S. border market. The Reverse NEBS program brings trade experts to Canada to guide new-to-market firms in the intricacies of selling beyond our borders.

New Exporters to South America (NEXSA)

The NEXSA program introduces export-ready Canadian companies to South American markets through five-day missions. NEXSA, which targets SMEs, is a new approach to trade missions that offers participants market training and preparation in Canada, followed by a customized program of appointments.

Industry Canada (IC)

Industry Canada's mission is to foster a growing competitive, knowledge-based Canadian economy. The Department works with Canadians throughout the economy and in all parts of the country to improve conditions for investment, improve Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace. Program areas include developing industry and technology capability, fostering scientific research, setting telecommunications policy, promoting investment and trade, tourism and small business development, and establishing rules and services that support the effective operation of the marketplace. Among IC's five strategic objectives are:

Building a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace

To contribute to productivity growth and overall economic well-being, IC is committed to ensuring that Canada's marketplace framework instruments, and associated services and products, are geared to making Canada a leader in the global, knowledge-based economy. A fair, efficient and competitive marketplace is essential to attracting investment, enhancing trade and encouraging innovation.

Working with Canadians to increase Canada's share of global trade

Exploiting our global trade opportunities is key to reaping the rewards of our productive effort. Canada relies on trade for jobs and growth more than any other industrialized country does. We must take full advantage of international business prospects, while minimizing risk in a rapidly changing global economy. Opportunities to address these challenges exist in the growing global markets for knowledge-intensive products and services. IC is working to foster an orientation to these global markets, and encourage more companies to make their products and services export-ready.

IC promotes awareness of export development services to both active and potential exporters through the federal/provincial Regional Trade Networks. The five areas of service include: General Information; Skills Development; Export Counselling; Market Entry Support; and Trade Financing.

Investment Partnerships Canada, a DFAIT-IC collaboration, helps to retain and expand existing foreign investment and to attract new international investors and technology to Canada.

IC's Strategis

Canada's largest business Internet site containing over 800,000 pages of business information and trade data to assist Canadian enterprises identify new markets, explore opportunities for growth, find partners, form alliances, discover and develop new technologies or processes, or assess the risk of new ventures. The site also provides information ranging from applying for loans to incorporation, patents and trademarks.

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

ACOA works to strengthen the international business performance of the Atlantic region by enhancing the capabilities of SMEs to establish and expand export activity. ACOA's Business Development Program provides financial assistance to firms wishing to develop new export markets or other trade-related activities such as business expansion, export consultation services, product development or productivity improvement. Funding is also available to non-profit organizations such as trade associations, export business networks, export clubs and training institutes that provide export support services.

ACOA targets potential exporters and equips them with export-readiness skills. The Export Option is promoted through information training and awareness sessions such as Trade Outreach and Trade Orientation seminars. The Agency has compiled a Trade Tool Kit to assist staff, provincial colleagues and export associations in counselling potential exporters. Access to market information and intelligence has also been an integral part of ACOA's trade strategy, with emphasis placed on the initiation of market and sector studies.

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

BDC offers a variety of flexible and innovative financial and consulting products designed to help small businesses grow. It plays a leadership role in delivering these services, with a particular focus on emerging and export sectors. BDC recognizes that every business is unique and bases its lending decisions on a company's track record and potential rather than security-based formulas only.

New Exporter Training and Counseling Program (NEXPRO)

NEXPRO offers training sessions for owners and managers of small businesses who lack the knowledge and experience necessary for the export process.

Canada Revenue Agency

Given its strong business orientation and its mandate for administering trade agreements and controlling the movement of goods and people at Canada's borders, CCRA plays an active role in international business development. A key objective is to facilitate trade and investment to enhance the competitiveness of Canadian industry in the following areas:

Market Access

CCRA participates in international organizations and forums to simplify procedures, advance the harmonization of customs rules, and foster international co-operation.

The World Customs Organization:
  • works on revising the Kyoto Convention, the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs and Procedures;
  • promotes the continued development and application of the Harmonized System;
  • develops rules of origin, and clear guidelines and procedures consistent with the International Valuation Agreement.
The APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures:
  • works to harmonize the customs procedures of APEC economies by implementing a 12-point Action Plan;
  • participates in the development of harmonized customs policies, procedures and standards in support of trade agreements such as the NAFTA, EFTA, and FTAA;
  • works to facilitate the movement of commercial goods, with the U.S. under the Canada-U.S. Shared Border Account and through regional organizations such as the Caribbean Customs Law Enforcement Council;
  • provides a tailored outreach program, as well as general services, to domestic export clients;
  • expands the Single Business Number for reporting to allow exporters to include programs of other government departments;
  • encourages, through the Canadian Automated Export Declaration Program (CAED), the continuing transition for exporters away from paper-based reporting toward electronic reporting.

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions Agency

CED-Q, through its commitment to providing its clients with services adapted to their needs, supports development of the economic potential of the regions of Quebec and the creation of sustainable employment by fostering a business climate that enables SMEs to prosper and grow.

As a member of the Industry Portfolio, CED-Q actively supports national priorities, particularly in the following areas: science and technology; youth entrepreneurship; rural development; foreign trade; investment; management of the Canadian economic and social union.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

CMHC, a Crown Corporation, was created in 1946 to promote the construction of new houses, the repair and modernization of existing homes, and the improvement of housing and living conditions. Today, its mandate is in the areas of housing finance, assisted housing, housing export promotion, and research and information transfer. CMHC uses its position as the federal government's housing agency to help Canadian housing companies take advantage of international business opportunities. It offers the Canadian housing industry the following international business development products and services:

Market Access
  • identifying and resolving non-tariff trade barriers, such as following up on the Canadian application for certification of the Canadian Wood Frame Construction System with German authorities.
Export Capability and Preparedness
  • research and market analysis, including consumer preference and needs studies, and comparisons of housing codes and standards in priority and emerging markets;
  • production of the Canadian Wood Frame House Handbook and the Glossary of Housing Terms into German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Korean;
  • exporter training and counselling, and facilitation of Canadian housing firms' participation in projects abroad.

Canadian Heritage (CH)

One of the Department's six key objectives is contributing to Canada's economic growth and prosperity. At a time when jobs and economic growth depend increasingly on ideas, information and innovation, culture and identity will become ever more vital to Canada's economic growth. Canadian Heritage is committed to ensuring that the cultural and heritage sector participates and benefits fully from a changing global economy.

The Trade and Investment Branch develops policies and programs to help Canadian cultural industries export their products and services abroad. It ensures that Canada's cultural policy objectives are supported in international trade and investment negotiations and disputes.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

CIDA's Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC) supports business partnerships in developing countries and projects that involve the transfer of Canadian know-how and technology, and that constitute profitable and sustainable partnerships. CIDA-INC has three objectives for Canadian firms:

  • to promote Canadian investment in developing countries;
  • to help transfer their expertise to developing countries;
  • to help them increase the infrastructure base in developing countries.

To this end, CIDA-INC financially supports Canadian firms interested in working in developing countries, to enable them:

  • to invest in joint ventures, license agreements or other long-term partnerships;
  • to secure major service contracts;
  • to participate in Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) projects.

CIDA-INC recognizes the high costs and risks of working in developing countries. To encourage Canadian firms to venture into these markets, CIDA-INC can reduce initial expenses by sharing the costs of feasibility studies of planned projects.

Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is an export sales agency, wholly owned by the Government of Canada. The CCC helps Canadian exporters win sales, on improved terms, in government and private-sector markets around the world.

Using its governmental status to sign export sales contracts on behalf of Canadian exporters, the Corporation puts the power of Canada behind an export sale, guaranteeing its full and satisfactory completion. 

CCC's customized export sales and contracting services help exporters, particularly small and medium-sized companies, access opportunities and win business on better terms. 

Environment Canada (EC)

Through a number of international agreements such as the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, EC is committed to fostering a safe, clean and sustainable environment both in Canada and around the world.

The International Environmental Youth Corps (IEYC) is designed to:

  • provide opportunities for young Canadians in international internships within the environment sector, which will foster their long-term employability;
  • strengthen the international capacity of the environment sector to expand Canadian exports and trade in the environment;
  • engage Canadian youth in assisting other countries to deal effectively with their environmental problems; and
  • help create a new cadre of top-notch leadership within the environment industry with the related economic spin-offs, improved performance, and capacity building.

Export Development Corporation (EDC)

EDC is the recognized leader in providing ground-breaking commercial financial solutions to companies of all sizes, helping them to succeed in the global marketplace. The Corporation's priorities are aimed at increasing Canadian capacity to engage in trade, including:

  • increasing the number of export-ready SMEs, and improving their access to financing;
  • diversifying into international business markets and, in particular, supporting exporters in developing markets. EDC helps absorb risk on behalf of exporters, beyond what is possible by other financial intermediaries.

Farm Credit Corporation (FCC)

FCC provides innovative financing solutions to farm families and agri-businesses across Canada, delivering personalized service through 100 offices throughout rural Canada. The Corporation offers customized loan products at competitive rates. Through strategic alliances, FCC offers a wide range of services to agri-business to help promote the growth of value-added products and services in the agricultural sector.

Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC)

HRDC acts as a broker to assist Canadian companies in generating more business in international markets. It provides knowledge and expertise to Canadian firms which need consulting services on projects that are unique to government and that are exportable to global markets. The International Business Development Division of HRDC's International Affairs Branch was created to help Canada respond to international demands for technical assistance.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

National Farm Product Council (NFPC)

Created in 1972, NFPC is a federal body which oversees national supply management agencies in agriculture. Four such agencies presently control the supply of chicken, turkey, eggs, and broiler hatching eggs in Canada, and promote their marketing. One of NFPC's major goals is to work with stakeholders in the poultry and egg industries to improve competitiveness, enhance profitability and expand export markets.

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

As Canada's foremost R&D organization, NRC works in partnership with industry, universities and other government departments to play a leading national role in the promotion of technological and industrial innovation, competitiveness and economic growth. NRC has a variety of programs to help companies prepare for exporting and compete successfully in international markets.

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

NRCan's mission is to provide knowledge and expertise for the sustainable development of Canada's natural resources, and to improve the global competitiveness of the resources sector (and related sectors) for the well-being of Canadians. It offers programs and services in the following areas:

Market Access

NRCan works to maintain and expand access to international markets for Canadian resource commodities and resource-based products, knowledge, technologies and services.

International Market Development

NRCan provides international support to resource-related companies in areas such as market intelligence, export marketing assistance, trade promotion, government-to-government dialogue and brokering of contracts.

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)

PWGSC, the Canadian government's largest purchasing agent, provides a wide range of services to support the daily operations of government and to meet the needs of Canadians. It is at the forefront of innovative service delivery for government, finding new, more cost-efficient and more responsive ways of doing business.

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada is the country's national statistical agency, with programs organized into three broad subject matter areas: demographic and social, socio-economic and economic. It provides statistics on all aspects of Canada's international trade and investment activities.

Transport Canada (TC)

TC contributes to sustaining Canada's trade and tourism competitiveness by:

  • establishing transportation policies that provide the legal foundation for access to international transportation markets, such as "Open Skies" and trucking deregulation;
  • developing, with DFAIT, mandates to negotiate bilateral air agreements to provide access to international air freight and passenger markets;
  • assisting Canadian firms to access opportunities with international financial institutions (IFIs) and international organizations, and promoting Canadian expertise to these institutions.

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)

WD is responsible for promoting the development and diversification of the western Canadian economy. Its programs and services include:

  • assisting SMEs prepare for exporting. WD helps export-unaware firms to become export-interested businesses, and export-interested companies to become export-ready companies;
  • providing a range of export skills development services (including counselling services, training seminars and workshops), and helping clients to assess their export-readiness, consider export options and prepare export plans;
  • providing trade financing and general export information through its International Trade Personnel Program and the Loan Investment Funds with bank partners.

Canada Business Service Centres (CBSCs)

General export information services are available through the CBSCs, a single-window access connecting you to a full range of government export services and expertise. Call 1-888-811-1119 toll-free (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, in every time zone in Canada) and a trained information officer will discuss your export needs and provide you with the appropriate export information, sources or contacts.

International Trade Centres (ITCs)

Located across Canada, ITCs help Canadian companies prepare for exporting, assist with research in various countries and recommend appropriate government export programs and services.

Date Modified: 2003-01-08 Important Notices