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Design resources

The Accessible Procurement Toolkit has been providing procurement officers and purchasers with product-specific accessibility requirements, standards and best practices that can (or should) be applied when purchasing electronic and information technology, office products and services.

Another use for the toolkit is to show product designers and developers the range of accessibility standards that apply to their products. However, a commonly expressed concern is that either the reason for making such design decisions is unclear, and/or that the technical or functional standards are difficult to envision as actual product features.

To address the concerns of developers and designers the Accessible Procurement Toolkit is bringing together a series of design resources, demonstrations and mock-ups to illustrate aspects of accessible design or products and implementation of services.

As resources are identified, the Toolkit links to them from the appropriate locations:

This page will collect links to all the design resources for people who want to browse the range of solutions for many different products or standards.

Design resource links

Design for mobility...


Design for visual impairments...

Blindness and Low Vision

Design for hearing impairments...

Hearing and Deafness

Design for all.

Design for all