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Highlights – November 2003

Technology Clusters
NRC Opens Industry Partnership Facility in St. John's
NRC added to its network of Industry Partnership Facilities (IPFs) with the opening of a new facility in St. John's.
Learn more about the role of the new IPF in St. John's ocean technology cluster.

Excellence and Creativity: NRC's people
Harry Turner, Science Communications through Photography
Outstanding people are found in NRC photos, on both sides of the lens. Photos play an important role in communicating science more effectively to other scientists and to the public.
Learn more about the exciting world of Harry Turner, NRC photographer.

Global Reach
NRC Receives Irish Trade Mission
NRC is committed to helping increase Canada's global reach in science and technology. As part of this commitment, NRC recently had the pleasure of hosting a Trade mission from Ireland. Learn more about NRC international activities.

Research Excellence
From Banting to Biotech
The NRC Institute for Biological Sciences (NRC-IBS) recently celebrated its 75th anniversary. Read more about the research accomplishments of long-time NRC-IBS researcher, Dr. Harry Jennings in a special Questions and Answer segment.
Value for Canada
NRC Contributing Flight Testing Expertise to Make Flying Safer
Spatial disorientation is a major problem for pilots and accounts for more than 10 per cent of fatal air crashes. NRC applies its extensive flight-testing expertise to help evaluate a new technology to improve pilot orientation through touch.
Learn more about NRC's testing of this technology.  

Date Published: 2003-11-01
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