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Highlights – March 2004

Outstanding Employees
Dr. Eliezer Gileadi Awarded the Herzberg Prize and Fellowship
Eliezer GileadiDr. Eliezer Gileadi, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at Tel-Aviv University and one of the most respected electrochemists in the world was recently awarded NRC's Herzberg Memorial Prize and Fellowship. Find out more about Dr. Eliezer Gileadi and read his replies to us in our special Questions and Answers series.

Research Excellence
Helping Investigators Hear More Clearly
Photo of  a Convair 580 cockpit.NRC researchers are working to improve data collected by cockpit voice recorder, an important tool for air accident investigations.
Find out more about the impact of NRC's research on air safety.

Global Reach
Canada-Taiwan Workshop on Construction Technologies
Taiwan flag.NRC has an ongoing collaboration with Taiwan's National Science Council. A delegation from NRC will soon be heading to Taiwan as part of an upcoming workshop on construction technologies. Find out more about this workshop, the latest in a series of partnership activities between the two organizations.

Fueling Innovation in Atlantic Canada
NRC continues to blaze a path in its efforts to stimulate community-based innovation in Atlantic Canada. NRC made its first hires in New Brunswick in 2001 and officially opened the Fredericton campus of the NRC Institute for Information Technology e-Business (NRC-IIT) in March 2003.
Discover NRC's role in the development of an e-Business technology cluster in the region.

Value for Canada
Technologies Available for Licensing
To move NRC discoveries to the marketplace, we are seeking Canadian firms capable of exploiting NRC technologies and creating leading-edge commercial products. Interested?
Find out about our Web database of NRC technologies available for licensing.

NRC Highlights (monthly)

Date Published: 2004-03-01
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