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Highlights - July 2006

NRC Highlights

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 President's Insight

In 2006 the National Research Council of Canada is celebrating 90 years of research and innovation.

A team of NRC researchers has created what could be a revolutionary computational approach to manufacturing scheduling.

 The Ultimate Scheduler

Think scheduling your busy personal life is a difficult juggling act? Try efficiently scheduling a diverse manufacturing plant. It's estimated that just trying to calculate all of the possible alternate schedules for 24 manufacturing jobs on one machine would take your personal computer about 20-billion years.

The spectroscopic imagery technology helps assess whether transplanted or burned skin will live or die.

 Saving their Skin

For a woman who's had a mastectomy, breast reconstruction is a medical miracle unless the transplanted skin used to build the new breast dies. Then, at least initially, the reconstructive surgery can be traumatic. This suffering could be avoided in the future thanks to new NRC technology.

NRC researcher Dr. Nabil Belacel

 The Fight Against Prostate Cancer: Mathematics and Biology Unite to Save Lives

A collaboration between an NRC researcher and doctors at the Atlantic Cancer Research Institute is blending mathematics and biology in the hopes of improving the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer and other genetic diseases.

Bioremediation is a technique that stimulates Mother Nature to clean-up our mess.

 Harnessing Bacteria to Battle Pollution

Since the 1940s, millions of tons of cancer-causing chlorinated solvents have been dumped, poured, buried or leaked into soil and water in North America. Every year, thousands more still follow this route, eventually making their way into groundwater. The question is: what can we do about this toxic contamination?

NRC recently held its fourth successful Business Case Challenge.

 Transforming Technology into Licensing Opportunities

NRC recently held its fourth successful Business Case Challenge. The annual competition is a chance for employees to turn remarkable research into opportunities for valuable technology transfer.

Photo of the Month
Photo of the Month

Engineering and Microbiology Make Effective Biobarrier

With our expertise in bioengineering and microbiology, NRC scientists are currently working on biobarriers which will help clean our polluted waters and provide an effective solution for contamination caused by methyl tert-butyl ether, a gasoline additive.

   View more photos from NRC Picture Perfect Science

Date Published: 2006-07-05
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