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Home / Publications On-Line / Estimates / Departmental Performance Report 2000–2001 / Message / Departmental Overview / Performance Accomplishments / Annexes /


>> Annex A – Departmental Organization
>> Annex B – MSDS Violations and Claims Statistics
>> Annex C – Presentation and Financial Information

Annex A – Departmental Organization

Council of Governors
The Commission is governed by a Council of Governors, consisting of members representing workers, suppliers, and employers, and the federal, provincial and territorial governments. Each governor is appointed by the Governor in Council to hold office for up to a three-year term. The Council is headed by a Chairperson chosen by the governors for a term of one year.

The Council is responsible for making various recommendations to the Minister of Health, including changes to the regulations respecting the Commission’s fee structure; to procedures for reviewing claims for exemption; and to appeal procedures.

President and CEO
The President and CEO is appointed by the Governor in Council, and has the authority and responsibility to supervise and direct the organization’s work on a day-to-day basis. The President is accountable to the Council of Governors and the Minister of Health. The President’s Office acts as Secretariat to the Council of Governors.

Organization Chart Click on the above image if you wish to view it in full-size.

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Operations Branch
The Vice-President, Operations Branch, has the authority and responsibility to supervise and direct the work within MSDS Compliance and Client Services.

Corporate Services and Adjudication Branch
The Vice-President, Corporate Services and Adjudication Branch, who is also the Chief Appeals Officer, has the authority and responsibility to supervise and direct the work within Dispute Resolution and Corporate Services.

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Annex B – MSDS Violations and Claims Statistics

A statistical breakdown of the violations found in respect of MSDSs reviewed by the Commission is detailed below.

MSDS Violations and Claims Statistics
Violation Category Number of Occurrences
2000–2001 1999–2000 1998–1999 1997–1998 1996–1997 1995–1996 1994–1995 Total %
Toxicological Properties 308 182 341 384 698 580 609 2 794 31.9
Hazardous Ingredients 452 164 301 391 716 367 238 2 177 27.0
First Aid Measures 116 47 72 97 114 63 113 506 6.4
Fire or Explosion Hazard 109 21 66 49 56 104 140 436 5.6
Hazard Classification 9 6 38 44 95 42 79 304 3.2
Physical Data 99 13 28 29 49 48 55 222 3.3
Headings 157 19 22 31 71 122 113 378 4.4
Preparation Information 35 3 20 9 14 36 35 117 1.6
Generic Chemical Identity 17 20 17 39 13 27 56 172 1.9
Product Information 81 21 15 24 36 49 48 193 2.8
Format/Wording 44 28 10 41 126 205 390 800 8.7
Preventive Measures 3 2 4 3 8 5 49 71 0.8
Reactivity Data 20 6 2 14 17 19 52 110 1.3
Total 1,450 532 936 1,155 2,013 1,667 1,977 9,730 100
No. of Claims Adjudicated 155 85 143 150 204 252 196 1,185  
No. of Occurrences/Claim 9.4 6.3 6.5 7.7 9.9 6.6 10.1 8.2  

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Annex C – Presentation and Financial Information

Summary of Voted Appropriations

Financial Requirements by Authority ($ thousands) 2000–2001
Vote Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual
10 Operating Expenditures 2,268 2,268 1,935
(S) Employee benefit plans 296 296 296
  Total Commission 2,564 2,564 2,230

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Comparison of Total Planned Spending to Actual Spending

Commission Planned versus Actual Spending ($ thousands) 2000–2001
  Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual
Full Time Equivalents 34 34 24
Operating 2,564 2,564 2,230
Total Gross Expenditures 2,564 2,564 2,230
Less: Respendable Revenues      
Total Net Expenditures 2,564 2,564 2,230
Other Revenues and Expenditures      
Non-respendable Revenues* 733 733 733
Cost of services provided by other departments 279 279 279
Net Cost of the Program 2,110 2,110 1,776

* The non-respendable revenues represent claim registration fees paid by Canadian and international chemical manufacturers, distributors and employees with respect to the registration and review of claims for exemption under the WHMIS and its related legislation. The difference between the 1999–2000 actual spending and the 2000–2001 total authorities reflects approved funding through Program Integrity Initiative.

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Historical Comparison of Total Planned Spending to Actual Spending

Historical Comparison of Total Planned Spending to Actual Spending ($ thousands) 2000–2001
Planned Revenue Total Authorities Actual
HMIRC 1,218 1,869 2,564 2,564 2,230
Total 1,218 1,869 2,564 2,564 2,230

The difference between the 1998–1999 and the 1999–2000 actual spending primarily reflects the transfer of resources for the WHMIS Evaluation Section from Health Canada to HMIRC in Supps A adjustments.

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Non-Respendable Revenues

Non-Respendable Revenues ($ thousands) 2000–2001
Planned Revenue Total Authorities Actual
HMIRC 463 767 733 733 733
Total Non-respendable Revenues* 463 767 733 733 733

* The non-respendable revenues represent claim registration fees paid by Canadian and international chemical manufacturers, distributors amd employers with respect to the registration and review of claims for exemption under the WHMIS and its related legislation.

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