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Text: our amazing treasures. Photo of a diamond. Collage of images: photo of a skull of Daspletosaurus torosus CMNFV 8506; illustration of a burying beetle, Nicrophorus sayi; photo of purple saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia.
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Usnea Lichens

Where in the World?

Lichens can be found almost everywhere on Earth except where their habitat has been eliminated or degraded by pollution, as in the centres of big cities. They grow in all seasons, although they are abundant only where the environment is most pure and unspoiled.

Most species of Usnea like sunny spots with some humidity, forming bushy or pendant tufts on trees or shrubs, although a few species grow on rocks.

Locations of Usnea longissima.

Enlarge image.Location map for Usnea longissima

Usnea longissima.

Enlarge image.This Usnea longissima grew on a fir tree close to the north shore of Lake Superior at Rainbow Falls, Ontario.

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    Usnea Lichens
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