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Green Legacy
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An 18-wheeler with 'Nature' on the side.

Green Legacy was produced jointly in 2001-2002 by the Canadian Museum of Nature and Royal Botanical Gardens, and was developed with generous support from the Museums Assistance Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Royal Botanical Gardens logo.

Green Legacy

Full-size Exhibition Title: Green Legacy/ Vert tendre. Illustrations of hands, seeds, leaves.

Native plants play a dynamic role in defining Canadian landscapes and our sense of place. This exhibition explores the beauty, diversity and vulnerability of Canada's native plants and plantscapes. Find out why plants are important, what threatens them, who works to protect them, and what you can do. Get back to your real roots! This family oriented exhibition will change the way you see plants.

  • plant specimens
  • interpretive units and panels
  • computer interactives
  • video
  • hands-on components
  • activity-based programming materials

Space requirements
  • 150 m2 (approximately 1500 square feet)
  • storage for shipping crates (to be determined)

Special requirements
  • security and environmental controls
  • VCR
  • active staff participation to organize and present programmes

Loan fees start at $5000, plus shipping.

Service bell.


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