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Text: Our Amazing Treasures. Photo of a diamond. Collage of images: photo of a skull of Daspletosaurus torosus CMNFV 8506; illustration of a burying beetle, Nicrophorus sayi; photo of purple saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia.
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Chasmosaurus irvinensis

Where in the World?

Ceratopsians are only known to have existed in western North America, but they were widespread within that range -- they have been found from north eastern Alaska to the Mexican border. Nature's new ceratopsian Chasmosaurus irvinensis was collected near Irvine, Alberta -- about 32 kilometres from Medicine Hat.

Map showing Irvine, Alberta, Canada.

The holotype specimen of Chasmosaurus irvinensis was found near Irvine, Alberta.

<What's in a Name?

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    A 3D image of the fleshed-out Chasmosaurus irvinensis.
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