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Last Updated on November 24, 2006


Honourable David Forbes, Minister of Labour

Improving Work Opportunities

Worker's Compensation Act Review

Northern Exemption

Work and Family Balance website link
Taking Action for a healthy and safe workplace
Ready for Work website link

Grow Up With Safety educational resources

"Grow Up With Safety" school resource introduced

Labour's annual report for 2005-2006 now available

Saskatchewan Labour administers all labour legislation and provides leadership to government on issues affecting the status of women in our province. It is committed to ensuring the needs of working people are met and protected while contributing to the creation of a vibrant economy of full employment and the equality of Saskatchewan women.
  • Labour Relations - We provide mediation and training to help unions and management deal with problems like strikes and lockouts. We also help improve relationships before work stoppages happen.
  • Labour Standards - All employers and employees have certain rights and responsibilities in the workplace. We promote and enforce the basic rules for work in Saskatchewan.
  • Status of Women - We promote social change to achieve social, economic and political equality for women.
  • Work & Family - We help employers and employees create more family-friendly workplaces.
  • Health & Safety - Saskatchewan Labour works with Saskatchewan people to prevent work related injuries and illness.
  • Worker's Advocate - If you're concerned about your workers' compensation claim, the Office of the Worker's Advocate may be able to help.
  • Farm Safety - Every year people are killed or injured in farm accidents that could have been prevented. Here's how to stay safe on the farm.
  • Ready for Work - Young workers need more than a job to be ready for work and we can help.

Did You Know?

Am I entitled to know my work schedule ahead of time?

What are the public holidays in Saskatchewan?

When do I need to start paying overtime?

Where do I get answers to my questions?

Quick Links

Saskatchewan Labour Annual Reports
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Minimum Wages Across Canada
News Release Archive
Ready for Work
Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board
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Vacation Pay Calculator
Wage Survey
Work and Family Balance
Commission on Improving Work Opportunities
Worker's Compensation Act Review


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The information on this page is not intended for legal applications.
For all purposes of interpretation and application of the law, consult the relevant legislation.

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