Government of Canada

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Incentives and Taxes

The World Trade Magazine has ranked Canada in the Top 3 for Investment and Trade Opportunities. Today, Canada can guarantee investors the overall lowest tax rate among developed countries and the most preferable R&D; tax credit program among G7 countries. To truly welcome foreign investment, Canada has introduced many incentives to ensure new businesses will be successful.

To be eligible for most incentives, you must have a company established in Canada. Please contact your local Canadian Diplomatic Mission for more information.

Canada offers businesses low tax rates. Today, Canada has the lowest payroll taxes among the G7 countries and by 2010 Canadian–based firms are expected to average a corporate tax advantage of more than 4.5 percentage points over U.S. based firms.

The following sources will provide you with more information:
National Incentives for Investment
    • Summary of R&D; Tax Incentives in Canada: PDF
      The Advantages of Doing Research in Canada
    • Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program
      Business involved in research and development can apply for tax credits on expenditures such as wages, materials and equipment. Administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
    • Industrial Research Assistance Program
      Small- and medium-sized foreign subsidiaries incorporated in Canada can apply for on-site aid from IRAP's Technology Advisors. Administered by the National Research Council of Canada.
    • Technology Partnerships Canada
      TPC provides funding for high-risk R&D; investments that are innovative and have the potential to benefit Canadians. Administered by Industry Canada.
    • BDC Venture Capital
      The Business Development Bank of Canada funds companies with a basis in technology and a sustainable, market-oriented business plan.
    • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
      NSERC works with companies that have been provincially or federally incorporated in Canada to encourage research and development in collaboration with universities and students.
    • Precarn
      Precarn funds projects involving the participation of at least two companies and one university, and works with funding programs in other companies to support research and development in the field of intelligence systems.
    • Film Tax Credit Programs
      The CRA administers two film tax credit programs to help the film industry in Canada.

Provincial Incentives for Investment

Related Link
2003 World Investment Report
Canada ranks as a front-runner location for foreign direct investment in the world.