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The Canada Premium Bond
The Canada Savings Bond
The Canada Investment Bond
The Canada RSP
The Canada RIF
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The Canada RIF
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The Canada RIF is a no-fee registered retirement income fund (RRIF) designed specifically for holding the Canada Premium Bond (CPB) and the Canada Savings Bond (CSB) directly in a RRIF. When the time comes to transfer your RRSP funds to a RRIF, The Canada RIF offers you the safety and security you need for your retirement income.
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The Canada RIF:
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allows your savings to retain their tax deferred status until they are withdrawn;
allows you to control the timing and amount of the withdrawals (subject to an annual minimum amount required by law); and
has no fees of any kind.
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The Canada RIF is the next logical step when the time comes to enjoy your retirement savings and investments. It's a no fee, no hassle way to get the most for your well-planned retirement.
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When you select the RRIF option for your Canada Savings Bonds, you transfer your RRSP savings into The Canada RIF. At any time, you may transfer in kind Canada Savings Bonds (the CPB and the CSB) held in a self-directed RRSP or RRIF by visiting the financial institution currently administrating your RRSP or RRIF. During any sales campaign, you can transfer the proceeds (except locked-in funds) from another RRSP or RRIF to The Canada RIF to purchase the CPB and the CSB by visiting the financial institution currently administering your RRIF and having them initiate a transfer request. The minimum transfer amount to The Canada RIF is $500.
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By law, you are not eligible to hold an RRSP beyond December 31st of the year in which you reach the age of 69. By that time, you must arrange to transfer the proceeds of your RRSP into a RRIF or an annuity that provides you with a retirement income, or you must withdraw the funds and pay income tax on the total proceeds.
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Terms and Conditions
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Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) and Canada Premium Bonds (CPBs) are issued subject to terms and conditions approved by the Minister of Finance which are summarized below.
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In these terms and conditions:
bonds mean the series of compound interest CSBs and CPBs on sale on the date you sign and return this form and purchased pursuant to this form;
you means the owner of The Canada RIF;
registered plan means a Registered Retirement Savings Plan, a Registered Retirement Income Fund, a Registered Education Savings Plan, a Registered Pension Plan or a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan within the meaning assigned to these expressions by the Income Tax Act (Canada) or provincial legislation; and
Trustee means the trustee of The Canada RSP and The Canada RIF.

Buying bonds
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Bonds may only be purchased with Canadian currency in any amount subject to a minimum purchase amount of $500 for each series of bonds. The Minister of Finance may end the sale of CSBs and CPBs at any time.
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To receive a particular series of bonds, purchase arrangements must be completed on or before the issue date of that particular series. A particular series of bonds may be purchased with the proceeds of a transfer-in from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Registered Retirement Income Fund up to and including 30 days after the issue date of that particular series.Paragraph spacer
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Who can own bonds
Only a Canadian resident who is eligible to have a Registered Retirement Income Fund may own bonds in The Canada RIF.
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These bonds do not have certificates. Your bonds will be held on your behalf in the name of the Trustee. If you transfer your bonds to another registered plan, they will be held in the name of the trustee of that plan.

The maximum amount of principal that a person may own per series and per type of registration of CSBs and CPBs is $500,000 respectively. A person may own CSBs and CPBs above this limit if they are purchased with the proceeds of a maturing series, or because the person received them upon the death of the owner or a co-owner. Otherwise, the Minister of Finance may order a person to redeem the CSBs and CPBs in excess of the maximum limit. No further interest will be earned on the amount of CSBs and CPBs owned above this limit after the Minister's order to redeem. The Minister of Finance may change the $500,000 maximum ownership limit at any time.
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If there is any doubt whether a person is eligible to own CSBs or CPBs and how they are registered, the Minister of Finance has the right to make the final decision.
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Compound interest bonds Paragraph spacer
Compound interest bonds earn, in addition to simple interest, compound interest at the rates determined by the Minister of Finance until the earlier of maturity and redemption based on the interest earned on each annual anniversary of the issue date prior to maturity, except in certain circumstances noted below in Redeeming bonds. Interest will be paid at the time of redemption (please refer to Redeeming bonds below).
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Transferring and assigning bonds
Bonds may only be transferred and assigned subject to applicable law and in a manner acceptable to the Bank of Canada, in the following cases:
to a trust governed by a registered plan;
from a registered plan to the beneficial owner or, upon the death of the beneficial owner, to the beneficiary thereof;
to a beneficiary, estate, or trustee appointed under a will if the owner dies or from the estate or the trustee to the beneficiary thereof; and
to the owner's spouse in the event of divorce or if stipulated in a written separation agreement in form and substance acceptable to the Bank of Canada.

The minimum amount that may be transferred and assigned for each series of bonds is the lesser of $100 and the balance in bonds.

If the bonds are transferred out of The Canada RIF or to The Canada RSP, the bonds will become governed by the respective terms and conditions governing CSBs and CPBs purchased using Form 1 and Form 2. The minimum amount in bonds that can be transferred and assigned per series for each type of registration to The Canada RSP is $500.
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Redeeming bonds
You can redeem your bonds that are CSBs at any time by writing to the Trustee, which will contact the Bank of Canada.
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You can only redeem your bonds that are CPBs on any annual anniversary of the issue date or during the 30 days thereafter, unless the redemption is for regular income payments from your RIF, by writing to the Trustee, which will contact the Bank of Canada. If you redeem your CPBs during the 30 days following the annual anniversary of the issue date, no interest will be earned for the period following the anniversary date. In the event that evidence acceptable to the Bank of Canada is provided to show:

the owner has died;
the redemption is ordered by a court; or
the proceeds of redemption are required by the owner to avoid bankruptcy, 
the CPBs may be redeemed at other times by writing to the Trustee, which will contact the Bank of Canada.
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No interest is earned on any bonds redeemed prior to three months following the issue date, unless the redemption is required to make a regular income payment from your RIF.
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No interest is earned in respect of the calendar month in which bonds are redeemed.
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The minimum amount that may be redeemed for each series of bonds is the lesser of $100 and the balance in bonds. The amount redeemed will be comprised of both principal and interest.

Contacting the Trustee
Canada Savings Bonds
Registered Products
P.O. Box 2390, Station D
Ottawa, ON  K1P 1K8

1 800 575-5151
1 800 354-2222 (TTY/Teletypewriter)

Contacting the Bank of Canada
Canada Savings Bonds
P.O. Box 2770, Station D
Ottawa, ON  K1P 1J7

1 800 575-5151
1 800 354-2222 (TTY/Teletypewriter)

Regular statements will be issued as at the end of each calendar quarter and sent to the address on record. A maturity notice will also be sent to this address at least 30 days prior to maturity.

A reminder about purchase and issue dates
To receive a particular series of bonds, purchase arrangements must be completed on or before the issue date of that particular series. Although the transfer-in of proceeds from another registered plan to purchase a particular series of bonds will be accepted up to and including 30 days after the issue date, any proceeds received by the Trustee after this period will be used to purchase the series on sale at that time. If there is no series available at that time, the Trustee will return the funds to the sales agent.

CSBs - The gift that never goes out of style

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Updated:    2006 09 28
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