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2003 Electronic Retailing Association (ERA) Award for "Best Corporate infomercial of the Year" for the 28-minute "edumercial entitled "news Team"
2003 Canadian Marketing Association RSVP Award of Merit for the Tell Us Your CSB Story promotion in association with Maclean's magazine
2003 PROMO! Award in association with YTV Canada for its youth promotion in the Category: Best Use of an Interactive Media
2001 Canadian Marketing Association RSVP Silver Award for the Great Canadian Saves youth initiative in the category of Channels Used: Interactive/Online/Internet
2001 Golden Marble Promotion Award in the Category of Best "Other" Consumer Products
2001 International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Gold Quill Award of Merit in the PR/Marketing category for Great Canadians Save youth initiative
2000 Canadian Marketing Association RSVP Award for the Great Canadian Saves youth initiative in the category of Financial Services: Wealth Management
1999 Mobius Award for Advertising
1999 Canadian Information Productivity Award (CIPA) in the category of Organizational Transformation for the Payroll Savings Program
1998 Mobius Award for Advertising
1998 Distinction Gold Medal Award (Government in Technology Week) for outstanding leadership, innovation and excellence in the use of information technology for development of the Payroll Savings Program system

Updated:    2005 07 11
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