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Why join the Payroll Savings Program?
Why employers like the program
Why employees like the program
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Payroll Savings Calculator
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Why should your company offer the Payroll Savings Program?
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Why employees like the program
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"Pay Yourself First": Employees like the fact that money is deducted before they see it, so they never miss it, and their savings soon begin to add up.
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Low Purchase Minimum: Employees may contribute as little as $2 per weekly pay period per plan. Their purchases earn interest daily at competitive rates from the date we receive the funds.
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Accessibility: Bondowners can request redemptions in full or in part through secure online access at, or by calling a toll-free Customer Information line. Redeemed amounts are deposited directly into their personal bank account, while any remaining balance continues to earn interest.
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Safe and Secure: CSBs are part of the safe and secure portion of any financial portfolio. There is no need to be concerned about market volatility since the Government of Canada guarantees both the principal and the interest.
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The Canada RSP: One of the best ways to prepare for retirement is to invest in an RRSP. CSBs held inside The Canada RSP grow on a tax-deferred basis. Employees can also contribute their existing CSBs to this no-fee Plan. Paragraph spacer
Annual Statement: A year-end statement is sent to Bondholders, outlining how much has been invested and the interest earned. A summary of all transactions is also included.
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secure access to your bonds
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Offer this valuable benefit to your employees today!
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For more information please call 1 888 467-5999 (Mon to Fri, 8 am to 6 pm, ET)
Testimonials from participating organizations
Payroll Savings Program
- An Introduction

Updated:    2005 07 11
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