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The Canada Premium Bond
The Canada Savings Bond
The Canada Investment Bond
The Canada RSP
The Canada RIF
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How to buy
How to redeem
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Canada Savings Bonds are a safe and secure way to reach your savings and investment goals, and are also ideal for gift giving. They are issued by the Government of Canada and can be purchased with an RRSP or RRIF option from the Bank of Canada. You can choose either the Canada Savings Bond (CSB), which is cashable at any time, or the Canada Premium Bond (CPB), which is cashable once a year. Both the CSB and the CPB offer a variety of features:
S‚parateur de paragraphes
safe and secure - the CSB and the CPB are backed by the Government of Canada, making them perfect investment products for the secure part of any portfolio;
rates - competitive with similar fixed income investments. The CSB carries a minimum guaranteed interest rate, which means that rates will be increased when market conditions warrant, but will never fall below the posted rate for the specified period. The CPB rates at the time of issue are higher than the CSB series on sale at the same time. The CPB rates for the specified period will not change after the issue date;
convenient - on sale for six months, from early October through to April 1 each year. The CSB and the CPB may be purchased online, by phone or wherever you bank or invest. The annual interest payment on regular interest bonds can be deposited directly into your bank account;
affordable - the CSB and the CPB carry no fees, and can be purchased for as little as $100;
flexible - available with either regular or compound interest and a choice of cashability (the CSB is cashable anytime and the CPB is cashable once a year on the anniversary of the issue date and during the 30 days following);
options - you can hold your CSB or CPB as is, in The Canada RSP, The Canada RIF or a self-directed registered plan;
ideal gift for any occasion - gift cards are available online or where you bank or invest.
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Read on for information on Canada Savings Bonds features and other options. Simply click on the appropriate link below for more information.
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The Canada Premium Bond
The CPB is fully backed by the Government of Canada and offers a higher rate of interest at the time of issue than the Canada Savings Bond on sale at the same time. The CPB can be redeemed once a year on the anniversary of the issue date and during the 30 days following.
The Canada Savings Bond
The CSB is a safe, secure investment enjoyed by millions of Canadians for almost 60 years. It provides both maximum flexibility and security. It is backed by the Government of Canada and offers a minimum guaranteed rate that will be increased should market conditions warrant. It can also be purchased through payroll deduction where available at sponsoring employers.
The Canada Investment Bond
Currently, the CIB is not offered for sale.
The Canada RSP
The Canada Retirement Savings Plan is a no-fee RRSP created to allow Canadians to hold compound interest Canada Savings Bonds as RRSP investments without the need for a self-directed plan. The Canada RSP option is available where you bank or invest, through direct telephone and online purchase and via the Payroll Savings Program.
The Canada RIF
The Canada Retirement Income Fund is a no-fee RRIF, designed to hold compound interest Canada Savings Bonds as retirement income investments without the need for a self-directed plan. The Canada RIF option is available where you bank or invest.
Other retail products
Treasury Bills, Marketable Bonds and Real Return Bonds have a guaranteed return if held to maturity but can be bought or sold prior to maturity at market prices, which vary from day to day. These products are available only through investment dealers.
How to buy
The Canada Premium Bond and the Canada Savings Bond can be purchased online for ease and convenience. The site is encrypted for security, and provides a fast and easy way to become a bondholder. The CPB and the CSB can also be bought wherever you bank or invest, or by calling us at 1 888 773-9999, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm ET. The CSB can also be purchased through payroll deduction where available at sponsoring employers.
How to redeem
Bonds with certificates may be redeemed at most financial institutions in Canada. CSBs purchased through the Payroll Savings Program may be redeemed online or by calling Customer Service. Bonds held within The Canada RSP and The Canada RIF may be redeemed by writing to the Trustee.
CSBs - The gift that never goes out of style

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Updated:    2005 07 11
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