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OneStop Business Registration:
Registering a Business has Never Been Simpler

Launched in 1996, the OneStop Business Registration initiative is a citizen-centred, one-stop Web site for government registration services in B.C. A thriving example of e-government, the OneStop initiative was introduced in response to the business community's call to streamline business registration procedures.

OneStop is a multi-agency initiative sponsored by the B.C. Ministry of Finance in partnership with numerous other provincial, federal and municipal agencies. Its development was funded by t he Western Economic Partnership Agreement, a joint, multi-million-dollar agreement to encourage economic development and job creation in B.C. Western Economic Diversification Canada is the lead federal partner for the agreement.

One feature of the Web site is the OneStop Business Address Change service, formed in 2002. This is a consolidated, streamlined address change service, which enables federally or provincially incorporated businesses to make address changes with several federal and B.C. government agencies and with municipalities.

Other services available through OneStop include registration with the federal government for GST, payroll deductions, corporate income tax and import/export accounts. Provincial registration is available for PST, hotel room tax, business registration and the Workers' Compensation Board. Businesses can also apply for municipal business licenses and instantly register their sole proprietorship or partnership with the province.

OneStop is currently accessible through 102 computer kiosks conveniently located throughout the province, including the Small Business B.C., Victoria Connects, B.C. Chambers of Commerce, Community Futures Development Corporations, Government Agents and other locations listed on the Web site at http://www.onestop.gov.bc.ca/. This link leaves our Web site OneStop Business Registration is also available on the Internet or by phone from the Surrey Chamber of Commerce at 604-581-7130.

So far, 66 B.C. municipalities have joined the OneStop Business Registration initiative, allowing entrepreneurs to purchase municipal business licenses for several municipalities at a central location.

At the end of the first year of operation, 487 clients used OneStop Business Registration. By the end of 2003, 62,247 clients had used the system to register their businesses with participating government departments and agencies, saving business people and budding entrepreneurs both time and money.

In 2001, OneStop Business Registration was selected as a finalist in the Public Services and Democracy category for the Stockholm Challenge Award, which recognizes pioneering IT projects around the world. OneStop was also selected as the winner in the Electronic Service Delivery category for the 2002 Public Sector Transformation Awards. These awards formally recognize leadership, innovation and excellence in the management and use of information technologies within B.C.'s public service and Crown corporations.