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Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)
Sustainable Development Strategy 2003

This consultation process ended September 30, 2003

Consultation with stakeholders is a key part of the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) process. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) invites you to participate in this SDS consultation. The purpose of this consultation is to obtain the views of key interested parties, including other governmental colleagues, associations, academia, and the general public, on WD's Sustainable Development Strategy 2003 (SDS 2003) priorities. We would like to have an open and inclusive process. Your suggestions for change are welcomed and they will be incorporated where possible. All comments received will be kept confidential.

Summary of the Consultation on WD Sustainable Development Strategy 2003:

Respondents to the online consultation included internal WD officers, partners, Federal Councils and the general public. Most responded on an ad hoc basis, but did appear to consider the consultation questionnaire that had been included as a guide.

The comments largely consisted of observations and perspectives dependent on how the respondent is linked to the department. Rural-based organizations gave valuable insight of the rural migration and stress on traditional sectors, with an added strain on urban infrastructure.

Those in the management group commented on the procedures and favouritism shown to economic projects and observed that few projects are undertaken with economic outcomes as a secondary focus.

Other comments were on the importance of preserving land and water resources. The issue seems to be finding the balance between adopting innovation without sacrificing the land and water resources currently enjoyed in the West. It was suggested that a further emphasis be placed on encouraging industry to develop and adopt new environmental technologies to support innovation advancement. It is also suggested that WD support western industries to become world leaders in sustainable practices associated with resource extraction, given our resource dependency. The last two responses go hand in hand: respect for the land while implementing new innovative methods to explore its riches.

Another issue was the picking of winners and runners up in priority-setting. Although WD is not in the business of picking individual commercial business winners and losers, it supports investments that increase competitiveness and productivity of the Western economy. The respondent stated, “while WD's focus may be on SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) and emerging high tech businesses, any serious SD plan will have to assess the industries which will be the (short term) economic winners and losers under SD and adjust plan accordingly… if we are serious about moving to a hydrogen economy, what plan do we have for finding new work for all those persons in the oil industry? This issue is just as important to economic diversification as promotion of hydrogen business - they go hand in hand.” These are issues that impact the West and help move us into a more strategic long-term planning stream to balance the effects of innovation and sustainable development.

One respondent chose to criticize the method in which SDS’ are measured, saying there was a disconnect between quantitative measurements and the qualitative measurements which should be the focus of an SD strategy. This comment inspired the SD teams to develop objectives and performance measurements that are qualitative in nature, while better demonstrating the impacts WD has made to sustainable development.

Since the external consultation, the SD team within WD expanded the two goals presented for external consultation to four goals to more accurately reflect the goals of the SDS.

WD would like to thank all those who took the time to read and respond to the SDS 2003 Consultation. The final report is now available at: http://www.wd.gc.ca/rpts/strategies/sd/2003/toc_e.asp.